𝟙𝟘 || Families Reunion

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Another chain of weeks had passed.

Chan's father called him on a day and told him to prepare a feast for the Ryu family.

His father doesn't know about what Mr.Ryu did at that party Chan had gone to just to kill another wealthy man who was helping his soon father in law to own their gang.

Which Chan would never let him have it.


A soothing voice yet a melody to his ears brought the mafia from his thoughts and turned to Minho.

He was the only person who could ease Chan's mind from all the madness he's going through because of his father and the Ryu family and the gang in general.

The stripper walked towards the Mafia standing two feet away still afraid of him, he took this chance to ask him about the cooks that were making a feast in the kitchen.

Chan:"What's wrong, Sunset?"

He asked taking a step towards Minho who stepped back not sure of what Chan's motives are-it was a reflex.

Minho:"what's going on? Is there an occasion happening today?"

Chan didn't get mad but sad at Minho was avoiding being close to him which made his organs squeeze inside him which resulted in letting out a liquid called regret.

He now understands that he made a huge mistake by forcing himself into Minho sexually...The mafia doesn't want to see Minho broken...He wants to fix him even if he was one of the reasons he's like this.

He wants to change for the better for him and wants him to trust him.

Chan:"my future father in law is coming along with my father and my fiance"

Minho was hearing about this just now, he never asked Chan what he work or what his relationships with other people is since it would only provoke him to do something to him, so he was shocked that Chan was cool with telling him that.

Minho:"do you want me to lock myself in my room to not disturb you?"

Chan felt sad, how could he say that... It was the opposite of what he wanted-he wanted Minho to ruin this kind of occasion so he could spend time with him instead.

Chan:"sunset, please come here...i want to hold you"

He pleads with a soft tone while opening his arms for Minho who hesitates not trusting him...he stood there for some time that caused Chan to drop his arms and look away wanting to shoot himself in the heart.

Minho:"I'm going now...enjoy your evening"

He said turning around walking away where his back was facing Chan who kept looking at him with sad eyes...once Minho started going upstairs almost reaching the second floor-The mafia dashed behind Minho as he stood at the three first steps while his hand was fixing on the handrail.


He called, it wasn't a yell but it was loud enough to grab the stripper's attention who turned around to his name being called.

Chan rarely calls him by his name.

Minho:"what do you want?"

He stood at the highest steps of the staircase looking down at Chan who was still looking up at him.

The mafia smiled which took the stripper off guard as he suddenly blush at how Chan looks so pure while smiling.

Chan(smiling):"you're free to walk anywhere around the house, sunset...you don't have to feel burdened like a caged bird anymore"

With that being said, Chan left going to the kitchen to check on the feast that the cooks are making for his guests.

But Minho stayed still, amazed.

His kidnapper yet r*pist just told him to not feel burdened anymore... He couldn't believe how Chan had changed in the past 2 months.

Chan isn't harassing him sexually like he used to be... maybe because the mafia was busy with both his mafia work and company job.

He put his hand on top of his left chest where he could feel his heart beating so fast.

Minho:"no heart...you cannot react to him... He doesn't deserve to own you"




Later that night, Chan sat beside his fiance as his father in law was telling his father about the ideas of how they should make their gang bigger and their products to sell faster.

He gives Mr.Ryu deadly eyes not trusting a word he was saying... He just wants to shoot him for letting out lies to his father.

At the same moment his fiance Sujin was drawing circles around his chest-she was so in love with him and Happy that she would get to call him her husband very soon.

Chan:"Sujin can you f*cking stop touching me...i hate it!!!"

He pulled his anger on her that caused both of the older men to look at him.

Mr.Bang:"what wrong son? aren't you feeling well?"

His father asked with a worried tone, looking at Chan with confused eyes.

Lately he's been off the line and starts being more considerate and hardworking when it comes to the company.

His father knows that Chan likes more mafia associated work than a regular office job.

But him yelling at his fiance in front of her father... was something he couldn't but be shocked of.

Mr.Ryu:"why would you shout at my dear princess? apologize and take her to another date!"

He exclaimed while pointing his fingers at him, Sujin felt glad that her father was always on her side and if they kept going on dates, there was a high chance Chan would fall for her.

Chan bites his bottom lip, looking at his soon father in law with frustration... He knows what this guy is up to something and he can't do anything about it now since he still doesn't know how to tell his father who's having high Expectations on this alliance.

His father wasn't cruel and unmerciful like him, which only means that he got a soft spot where he could be a little reckless and choose reckless decisions.

Chan:"I'm sorry...let's go on a date after-"

He suddenly stopped speaking, his silence confused everyone that was in the living room.

Sujin noticed that Chan was staring at something and when she turned her head to see what Chan was looking at—it was only the kitchen where no one was around.

Mr.Bang:"whst wrong Chan?"

That brought the mafia out from his thoughts looking at his father with a surprised expression.

Chan:"I will be back...I'm thirsty"

He said standing up from his place and walking towards the kitchen which confused Sujin since there's literally a water jag on top of the coffee table in front of them.

Little did she know that Chan was thirsty for something else.

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