Ch. 2 ~ Mixed Up

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I opened our door and immediately kicked off my shoes. "FREEDOM!!!" I yelled, jokingly. Ross pulled me close to him and kissed me. "Oh hey, so um, who was that girl earlier?" He asked me. "The one that ran into the car?" I asked back. He nodded. "Oh. That's Anna. She's a total priss. She's totally adored though." I explained. "She totally seems like a slut though." He said, mocking my use of 'totally'. I smiled. "I've heard some things......" I trailed off. He smirked and walked into the living room and sat down. I sat down with him. I noticed a few new books on our table. The titles caught my eye. "Parenting", "How to be the World's Greatest Dad", "Do's and Dont's of Parenthood", and "Baby Daddy". I picked up the "Parenting" book. I flipped through it, looking at the little notes. I nodded my head. I set it down and looked at Ross. "Why did you buy these?" I asked. "I want to be the best Dad for him or her. I want that connection." He said, shyly. "Ross. You don't need these books. First, you're already great with kids. There's not much room for improvement. Second, we're gonna figure it out together. Third, I'm sure he or she will love you anyways. Don't worry." I explained. He nodded. There was an awkward silence for a moment. "Hey, so.... I told my parents we'd come over for dinner tonight." He said, awkwardly. "Okay. That's fine." I agreed. After a moment, I stood up off the couch, and walked away.

*Hours Later*

"Babe! C'mon! We gotta go!!" Ross yelled up the steps for me. "HANG ON! I'M COMING! COULD YOU JUST WAIT A SEC?!?!" I yelled back. "WELL HURRY UP!!!" He yelled again. We've been fighting a lot lately. But oh well. I grabbed my purse and ran downstairs. He was waiting at the bottom of the steps. I stopped, looked at him, then walked right out the door. I got in the car and waited for Ross. He locked up the house and got in the car. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded, not looking at him. The car ride there was silent. Neither of us knew what to say. When we got there, I saw Rydel standing in the front yard waiting, I practically jumped out of the car, and ran over to her. I gave her a hug. "Hey! How are you?!?!" She asked. "I've been better. Believe me." I sighed. She put her hands on my shoulders. "What's going on?" She asked. "Ross and I have been fighting so much. We're in one right now. I love you guys, but I don't even want to be here right now." I explained. "I'll take you home. I'll explain what's going on, I'll just say you weren't feeling well, and I'll drive you home." She offered. I nodded. "I'll be right back." She said. She ran inside, leaving me alone.

She came back a few minutes later with her car keys. We got in the car, and pulled out of the driveway. "So, the family says hi. Rocky said he hopes you feel better. He misses you." She laughed. I laughed a little. "Oh, Rocky...... What am I gonna do with you?" I asked myself. She started laughing. I loved being with Rydel. She was really my first friend outside of my family. And it's crazy to think she's gonna be my sister soon. A few minutes later we pulled up to our house. I gave her a hug, thanked her, then got out of the car. I used our spare key to unlock the door, and went inside.

It's 1 AM. Ross still isn't home. I've tried calling him, and I've tried messaging him, but he isn't responding. Where is that boy?! I'll call Riker and see if he knows. (C- Chanel R - Riker)

R: Chanel?

C: Riker! Is Ross there?! He hasn't come home yet.

R: No, Chanel. I'm sorry, he's not here.

C: *in tears* Oh gosh. Could you please come over and help me find him?!

R: *sigh* Yeah. I'll be over in a minute.

*end of call*

Oh my gosh. I am freaking out. Time could not pass any slower. I sat down on our steps. I put my hands on my stomach. I looked down at the bump that was small, but still there. I'm about 6 weeks in now. I closed my eyes. "Don't worry. Daddy'll be here soon." I comforted. I knew that those words wouldn't mean anything. The baby hasn't got ears or anything yet. I knew inside I was only trying to comfort myself. The doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door. I saw Riker, in his superman t-shirt and his sweatpants, standing there. "Hey. C'mon in." I greeted weakly. He stopped for a second and before I knew it his arms were around me. He held me tight. I softly cried into his chest. We'd slowly fallen to the floor. We were on our knees now. He put his head on my head. "Everything will be alright." He whispered. "I'm so scared of loosing him." I whispered back. He kissed my forehead, but stayed silent. At this point, I wasn't sure either of us knew for sure that our relationship would survive through the night. We stayed like that for a few minutes. We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I got up and answered the door. There I saw the police, holding Ross (by the arms), who was in handcuffs. He looked angry, and lost.

"Hello, officers." I said. "Are you Chanel Wilson?" They asked. I nodded. "Your fiancé here, was caught DUI." They said. "Yes officers." I nodded. "We've decided to let him off with a small fine and a warning. But don't let it happen again." They warned. I agreed. They un-cuffed Ross, and he stumbled into the house. I shut the door. I walked straight up to Ross and slapped him. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" He yelled. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING DRUNK?!?!?!" I screamed. "It's none of your business." He protested. "No. You know what? Actually, it IS my business. I'm your fiancé. You don't hide things from your fiancé. Ross you got drunk. If you won't tell me why, then fine." I said. I turned around and started to walk away. Just then I heard him mumble something. "I always knew you were a b*tch." Is what I heard. I turned around, quickly. "Excuse me, WHAT?!" I asked, raising my voice. He laughed. "You heard me." He said. I was done. Beyond done, actually. I pulled the engagement ring off my finger, and threw it at him. "I'm done." I cried. I ran out of the house, and down the street. I ran all the way to the Lynches house. I have a key to their house, so I opened it, and ran to Rydel's room. She was sleeping. I put one hand on her. "Rydel. Rydel wake up." I whispered. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked up at me, confused. "Chanel?" She asked. I nodded. "What are you doing here?" She asked, turning on the lamp on her nightstand. I began to cry, as I sat down on her bed. She sat up and moved over towards me. "What happened?!" She asked, panicked. Drowned in my tears, all I could say was "....Ross....." She tucked my hair behind my ears. I leaned my head on her shoulder, and cried.

When I'd calmed down, I explained to her what happened back at the house. She sat with a blank face. "I'm so sorry, Chanel. I don't know what's gotten into him. It'll be alright." She comforted. I shook my head. "I just want it to end." I said. "What?" She asked. "Rydel.... A life without him, is hardly a life. I don't want to stay. I want this to end." I explained. "NO! Chanel.... You can't! I promise, everything will be alright if you just-" I cut her off. "My mind is made. Thank you for all you and your family have done for me. I hope you explain why I'm doing this to them. Tell them I love them. Tell Ross I love him." I said, standing up from the bed, and walking out of the house.

This Time I Know *SEQUEL to GEFY*Where stories live. Discover now