Ch. 3 ~ Sleeping Beauty

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*Riker POV*

After Chanel left the house, I lost it. I practically tackled Ross and pinned him to the floor. "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?! YOU JUST LET THE BEST THING IN YOUR LIFE GO. YOUR FIANCÉ, YOUR CHILD!!!!!!!! YOU MAY NEVER GET HER BACK. " I screamed. "Hah. Riker, look at me, it won't be hard to find another girl. Besides, I was getting real tired of her crap." He laughed. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. He was beyond tipsy, he was loosing it. WAYYYYYY drunk. He'd probably have a huge hangover in the morning. "Ick. Ross, how much did you drink?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know.... 3 bottles?" He answered, cracking up. I rolled my eyes and climbed off of him. I had an idea. I grabbed Ross, and had him in a lock, where I was in full control. I walked Ross to the basement guest room, and locked him in there. He would stay in there until morning. I didn't want to have to watch him all night. I headed back upstairs and sat down on the couch.

About 20 minutes later, my phone started ringing. It was Rydel. Why was she up this late? (RY- Rydel RI - Riker)

RY: Riker!!! Have you seen Chanel?

RI: She left the house after a HUGE fight with Ross, and I haven't seen her since.

RY: So she isn't there?

RI: No, sorry. Why?

RY: Riker, she came here a few minutes ago. She told me what happened. Right before she left she said she... She wants to.... *crying*

RI: She wants to what?!?!?!

RY: She said she wants to die. She said she's going to kill herself, Riker.

RI: Oh my..... No, no, no, no, no, NO. WHERE IS SHE?!?!



*end of conversation*

I hung up, and started to softly cry. She can't just do this. I HAVE to find her before its too late. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

*Chanel POV*

I walked out of the Lynches house and headed down the street. I got back to my house and opened the door. Riker was gone. I knew it was risky, being here, not knowing where in the house Ross is, but in about 30 minutes, I guess it wouldn't matter anymore. Nothing would. First I walked to the kitchen and wrote a post-it note.

"Dearest Ross,

By the time you're reading this, I probably won't be here anymore. Over the last year, you've made me so incredibly happy. You're everything a girl could ever want.... But I know that what happened the night we met happened for a reason. That reason is, changing someone's life. And what happened tonight, might have just of been a bump in the road. But Ross, I'm beyond done. Not just with this, but with life itself. I have been for a while. A life without you is hardly a life. So Ross, darling, I love you with all of my heart. And I'll die loving you. Tell your family and mine, that I love them so much, and that this wasn't any of their faults. Don't be sad, that's not what I want. Move on, Ross. Find a great girl, marry her, and have beautiful babies. I'll be happy for you.

I'll always love you.

Forever and Always,


I was holding back tears as I wrote this, but I knew that I had to do this. I walked upstairs and walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I grabbed my razor, and sat down. I flinched, as I ran the razor in streaks across my arm. I was in tears, but laughing as I saw the cold, dark red blood, oozing out of my skin.... Dripping down, down my arm, staining my jeans as droplets fell. I dug the razor into my arm, causing blood to gush out. I screamed and gasped for air, for it was getting hard to breathe. I started to laugh through my tears. I knew I was so close. With my strength, I reached up on the counter and grabbed the pills. I poured out about 6, then popped them in my mouth and swallowed. "Sweet..... Sweet relief." I whispered, as the room grew dark, and finally, everything was black.

*Riker POV*

I'd been driving for about an hour, when I just gave up. Wherever she was, she would be dead by now. I returned back to Ross's house and opened the door. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. That's when I saw it. A pink piece of paper on the table. I picked it up. It was a letter from Chanel. She must be here. As I read it, tears fell from my eyes. I set it down and ran upstairs. I first checked the bedroom. Empty. Then the study. Empty. Then I saw the bathroom door, slightly cracked open, with light shining through. I ran in. I stopped when I saw her. There she was, laying on the floor, her body motionless. Blood was all over her arm, her clothes, and the floor. Her eyes were shut. Her skin was snow white, she had dark circles under her eyes. I ran over to her, and touched her skin. It was terrifying. Her skin was icy. Tears fell from my eyes rapidly, as I called 911.

10 Minutes later an ambulance and police cars showed up. Along with my family, whom I'd called immediately after calling 911. For those wondering, Ross had fallen asleep in the guest room, and so I decided not to wake him. The medical department was already upstairs, trying to help. They were about to take her to the hospital, but this was urgent. So, they grabbed the the shocky thing (So stressed I can't even remember the name!) , and began using it. It was painful to watch, Chanel being shocked, her body shaking, then nothing happening. I couldn't watch. I walked to the bedroom, laid on the bed, and just cried. I think all of us were a mess. Physically and emotionally.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. It was Mom. She had tears running down her face, and she sat down on the bed. I looked at her. "She's alive. Barely, they're taking her to the hospital for immediate care, but she's alive." She said, smiling a little. I wiped my eyes. "So who's in the ambulance with her?" I asked. "Rocky.... He wanted to be with her. I thought it was only fair." She answered. I nodded, and got up. "Where are you going?" She asked. "Where do you think I'm going? I'm going to get Ross, and we're going to the hospital." I answered, walking out of the room.

It's now 7 AM. Ross, Rydel, Ryland, Ellington, Mom, Dad, and I are all sitting outside Chanel's room. Rydel and I are the only ones not sleeping. No one is allowed to see Chanel yet, only Rocky, considering he rode with her on the ambulance.

I heard Ross move, then wake up. Surprisingly, he was fine. He wasn't hung over at all. But he still doesn't remember or know what happened. "Where am I?" He asked, looking around. "Ross. We're at the hospital." I said. "Why?" He asked. I sighed. "Last night, you came home very very drunk. You and Chanel got in a huge fight. She pulled off her ring, and left. Later, I found her in the bathroom, bloody and pretty much dead." I explained. His face fell. He started crying. He put his face in his hands. "Oh God. My baby...... She's dead. Oh my gosh. I'm an awful person. I did this to her. I'm such a f***ing idiot!!!!! UGH. Oh God." He cried. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Ross, she's alive. Just under very strict help. That's why we're here." I said. He wiped his eyes, and stood up. He walked right into the room, and talked to the doctor. A minute later, Rocky came out of the room, and Ross didn't. Rocky came and sat by me. "What happened?" I asked. "He's staying with her." Was all he said.

*Chanel POV*

I looked around me. I was in a white room. Ross was standing there. "WHY?!?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!" I screamed. Ross looked away. "I told you. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. I lost the best thing in my life. I can't live without you. Please. Don't hate me. Forgive me. I love you." He said. I hesitated, but then felt his lips against mine.... Suddenly I felt as if I was sinking. I looked down, and I was. Literally. I was melting into the floor. What?

Everything went black.

I opened my eyes.

That must have been a dream. I saw lights, a TV playing a football game, a machine monitoring a heart...... I realized I was in a hospital. I felt something on my hand. Someone was holding my hand. I looked over and saw Ross, there, holding my hand, with his eyes closed, softly crying. His head was down. "Ross," I croaked. His head shot up. "CHANEL! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!!" He cried, quickly moving close to me, and kissing me. His lips felt amazing. He kissed me passionately. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I acted like a total douche. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing, honestly I don't even remember. Riker told me what I did. I was out of my mind. I didn't mean any of those things. I love you so much. Please. Forgive me? I can't live without you." He pleaded, still crying. I felt a tear running down my cheek, he wiped it before I could. I nodded. He pulled something out of his pocket. My ring. He kissed my hand, then slid the ring back on my finger. "Promise me, you'll marry me?" He asked. "Yes." I answered. He put his forehead against mine and closed his eyes. "I love you, Ross Shor Lynch." I whispered. "I love you too."

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