Ch. 8 Pt. 1 -Europe Adventure

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Alright guys so this chapter is gonna be set up a bit weird.... Instead of breaking each venue if the tour into individual chapters, I'm combining them into three big parts of Chapter 8, but displaying them in little "summary sections". Does that make sense? Oh well. You'll see.


I woke up the next morning on the floor, with sheets and clothes all over the room, and some rather odd smells. I looked over to see Ross, sleeping, naked (but don't worry a sheet was covering). His eyes were fluttering. His hair was so messed up, but he still looked perfect. I pulled a sheet up over me, and held it to my chest, as I crawled over to give Ross a small kiss. I pecked him gently, and his eyes twinkled open. He smiled. "Hey darling," he whispered. I smiled and kissed him. He sat up and looked around. "This is a mess. Hell - how rough did we go?" He asked, with a little smirk. I climbed up into his lap. "I'm not sure, but I know it was the best we've had in quite a while..." I complimented. "Ah, you did most of the work! All that horseback riding must have come in handy..." He said, in a sexy voice. He bit his lip, and I kissed him. He laid back down on the floor, so that I was on top of him. He put his hands on my face, making it more passionate. We turned over. Ross was on top of me, now naked again because his sheet fell. He pressed himself against me. I moaned, but then softly pushed him off. "Ross.... Ross, we can't do this. Not here and now. Maybe later." I said. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, gave me a little peck, and climbed off.

"We gotta go get ready." I said. "Ready? Ready for what?" Ross asked. "For rescheduling the European tour!" I exclaimed. He thought for a second, but then nodded. "Right." He agreed.

*1 Month Later*

"C'mon, Ross, I told your parents we'd be at their house at 5:00! It's 4:30, we gotta hurry!" I called up the steps, to Ross, who was still last minute packing for the European tour. It's 4:30 in the morning, we're meeting his family at 5, so we can get to the airport and through security to our plane at 7. I heard a thump, a click, and then Ross came running down the steps. "Good morning to you, too." He greeted with a kiss. I laughed. I playfully hit his butt, as if to remind him to keep moving. He grabbed my bag in one hand, and his hand in the other, and carried them out to our car. They were big suitcases too. We had to have a month's worth of clothes. I picked up Sugar and gave her a kiss. Olivia was going to watch her while we were gone, so I knew she would be fine. I put my hair up into a messy bun, and finally grabbed my keys. I took one last look around, and closed the door behind me. Time to go on tour.

*Barcelona, Spain - Venue #1*

"Wow!!!!!! Look at this place!!!" Ross exclaimed as he looked out the window at the airport in Spain.

I nodded. Spain was beautiful. As we walked down towards baggage claim, we talked about how excited we were to be here. Ross found our bags and pulled them off of the carrier. We waited for everyone else to get their bags, and then walked towards the exit. Immediately people noticed us. Not only were there paparazzi, but there was literally gates between the door and our car just to keep fans away, along with security. I clutched Ross's hand and he laughed. I still hadn't gotten used to this. We walked through the doors and said hi to all the fans. We stopped to sign a few things and take a few pictures, but eventually we all got into the car. Ross rolled down our window just enough to stick his arm out to wave goodbye.

We immediately drove to the venue, where the bus was. Ross smiled when we got out of the car at the venue for the night. "I can't believe we're going on a European tour..." He exclaimed. I got out of the car and put my arm around him, giving him a little squeeze, and said "Me neither.. Me neither.." Everyone else got out of the car and started pulling out suitcases. I noticed some girls standing by the door, even though the VIP didn't even start for 4 hours! They saw me looking and started waving and calling my name. I smiled and waved, but continued to help unpack the car.

We had moved everything from the car to the bus, and FINALLY were all unpacked. The VIP started in 15 minutes, so we decided to head from the bus to the dressing room. They of course were all scurrying to finish getting ready, so I put on sunglasses and a hat (as to more or less disguise myself), and I went outside to go see if Ryland and Mark needed any help. I went to Mark to ask if he needed help. All he said was "No, thanks.... I won't be needing any of your help right now." He never really got over the fact that Ross and I were having a baby - assuming it was my fault I got pregnant, yet he hardly blames Ross. "Okay, well... Let me know," I answered quietly before walking off. As I was walking over to Ryland, I got a text from Ross, saying:

"Hey babe, forgot my jacket on the bus... Grab it for me? Thanks ;)"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Ross was always forgetting things. I started walking towards the bus. Once I got inside, I found Ross's suitcase in his bunk, and began searching around for his jacket. All of the sudden, I felt a strong hand on me, and I was being picked up. "PUT ME DOWN! I'LL SCREAM, I'LL CALL THE POLICE!" I yelled. Before I knew it, I was being set down. Security. They thought I was a fan who'd snuck in. "Sorry, Ms. Wilson. We thought you were a fan. Safety precautions." One of them said. I nodded. "No, I uh, just came in to get Ross's jacket..." I explained quietly. I grabbed Ross's jacket, and left the bus. I walked inside the venue and found Ross walking towards the bathroom. "Ross?" I called. He turned around and and ran to me. I handed him his jacket as he engulfed me in a big hug. I had to steady myself a little, the force of his body threw me off balance. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He whispered, nuzzling into me. I just hummed in response, feeling safe, warm, and loved.

*Venue #2 - Paris, France*

I looked back at Ross who was sprinting towards me and away from a mass of screaming fans. "RUN BABY, RUN AND DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU GET INSIDE!" He yelled. I nodded and looked forward. I could see the venue getting closer as my pace increased. I closed my eyes and began to run as fast as my legs could carry me. A moment or two passed, and when I opened them again, the venue was within reach. I rounded the side of the building and found the side door that goes to the dressing room. I grabbed the handle and swung the door open. Ross and I ducked into the venue, just as the crowd got to the door. Ross locked the door and took my hand. He sunk to the floor and began laughing hysterically. "We just flashed thousands of people in the streets of Paris..." he whispered to himself. His eyes widened with excitement as he thought about it more. "We just flashed thousands of people in the streets of Paris!" He exclaimed. He looked at me and kissed me hard. "You're crazy, ya know that? I love you so much!" He cooed. "Me? It was your idea!" I teased. "Yeah. But you were just crazy enough to go along with it." He laughed. We kissed once more. The sound of a man clearing his throat broke our kiss. We looked up. There, staring at us, disapprovingly, was Mark. He rolled his eyes and started to leave. Anger boiled within me. "Why do you hate me so much?!" I blurted. Ross looked at me with shock, grabbing my arm. "Chanel!" He scolded. I pushed Ross's hand off, and stood up, walking closer to Mark. "Seriously. What did I ever do to make you feel this way towards me?" I asked, desperately. Before he could say anything, I was at it again. "LIKE, I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY I'M PREGNANT. I'M SORRY I LOVE YOUR SON. BUT WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!" I screamed. I put my hands on my now visible baby bump, and fell to the floor in tears. Ross ran over to me and scooped me up. I cried harder into him. I looked up at Mark, who was staring at us, and with that, he was gone.

Later that night, after the show (Which was AMAZING), I was on the couch with Ross when my phone buzzed. Stormie wanted me to come outside. I grabbed one of Ross's big sweaters and walked outside. Standing there was Mark and Stormie. I knew where this was going, and started to turn around and leave. "Please," Stormie said quietly. I sighed and turned to face them. Mark cleared his throat. "Chanel, I'm sorry about earlier. I don't hate you, and I'm sorry that I made you feel like I did. I guess I'm just having a hard time seeing my little boy grow up. He loves you more than anything else in the world. He's ready to find forever with you. And I have to be ready to let him. It's been hard, and I'm sorry I've blamed and taken this out on you. It was wrong of me, and I want to have a better relationship with my soon-to-be daughter in law, who's carrying my precious first grandchild. Please forgive me. Can we start over?" Mark said, sincerely. I cracked a smile. "Mark, of course. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. Pregnancy hormones call for terrible mood swings, ya know?" I apologized. He laughed and Stormie pulled me in for a hug. Before I knew it the whole family was out there with us, hugging us. And right then and there, I saw my forever. And I couldn't be happier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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