Little Miss Nobody: Prologue

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Hey!! So excited! New story! Hope you like it so far and tell me how you think. I’m just trying it out and I want to do something new aside from my other story. ;) 

I think this is very different than my others but hey, gotta take some chances sometimes. Hehe this might be a very cliche story but again, let’s see.

CAUTION: There will be more swearing in this story. :)) But not in this one. The next chapter maybe. 

Hope you keep reading all my stories. You dont know how i excited i get witha new fan or vote or reads or anything! I really do! So… tell me how you think!

Enjoy! <3 


Hi. My name is Stephanie Hailey Thorn. Do you know how it feels to be tormented in school or everywhere you go? Do you know how it feels to be so depressed most of the time because of your social life, academics, and family issues? Do you know how it feels to be an outcast, or to be a loser? Sadly… I do.

Ok. Imagine a fifteen-year-old girl. Short for her age, has pimples and zits all over her face, has a straight figure (but not too thin, not too fat). She also has light brown kinky hair (in other words, poofy hair). You can never comb it straight cause it’s so tangled up. She has stupid braces that make her talk funny like this: : “Hi I’m Shtepanee. I lobe orea wisch milk. Would shoo like to go to prom wisch me?” Yup, something like that. Where you can’t understand a single word. But thank God it’s removable. She has an unusual tan, which looks stupid for her. And also she decided to have light blonde highlights on her, which was a stupid mistake. To hide her awful hair she ties it in a bun everyday to prevent it from going wild. She has no sense of fashion and ends up looking like a colorful, anime-con, clown, dork, librarian… well something like that. What’s worse is that her parents got her the wrong size of glasses when she lost her other one. So she ended wearing huge, black, square glasses that added to her nerdy look. The only thing that’s good about her appearance is her beautiful light blue eyes…

You guessed it right! That sad looking teenager is me. Everyone knows you can’t live in a world like this… looking like that. Unfortunately I have all my life. I was born as the ugly child, the ugly duckling, or the freak.

Not to boastful, but I would to explain my personality and my life. You see, my family is very wealthy. We live in a mansion, we have maids, butler, and drivers, and all that. My dad works very hard to keep our places. Meaning, he’s a work-a-holic and barely has time for me. Though he saves some of the weekends and holiday for me. I also have to admit that I’m a daddy’s girl.

Other things about myself… I have talent. I can sing, I can dance, and I act. I’m also very good sports. But, I never get the lead stuff in plays or get to be captain of a team because like most people… they hate how I look and they don’t want me to be their representative. Oh, I am also good in school in terms of academics. I know what you’re thinking, “Oh! She is a nerd!” Ah, Hell no am I one. (No offense to nerds out there) I just am naturally smart. It’s all in the genes. But, I don’t care about school as much, mostly because of the people in it. They push me down and discourage me… even the teachers! What the hell right? No matter how many times I get up, it’s getting tiring. Even though I am a confident, straight up, and sarcastic person… I have my cons. People literally beat me up. *sigh.. sad life huh?

By the way not only do I have problems in school… I got some in my house too. My parents just had a divorce after my older brother who was going to college died in an accident. My parents were just so depressed and were constantly arguing. But, my dad insisted that I stayed with him, and so I did without any feminine help around. I miss my brother by a lot. Now, I have to live in this cruel, twisted life on my own. Actually, not seriously on my own. I have a friend. My best friend. My mom and his mom were really close and so, we got close to. And yup you heard it right. It’s a HIM. Nick Blaire has been my closest friend ever since middle school. We’re not birth best friends forever or neighbor best friends or whatever else. But, he does live just five muntes walking distance from my house. His parents are pretty rich too, but not like mine. Don’t worry it’s not those kind of stories that I love my best friend to the point of falling in love with him. Nope not with us. He’s just truly my best friend who I could tell everything and he understands me. He doesn’t look at how I look. But he looks at the average teenage girl inside of me.

He’s not your regular jock block, hunky dude. But he is a girl magnet. He’s not in any team or sports, he’s just a good student in school. Smart and all that, and also athletic (again, not in a team). He has good charisma to everyone, teachers love, girls love him, guys want to be him. But he’s also party person, he loves to party.

He has blonde hair with soft brown eyes. He’s obviously taller than me. He’s probably like 5’ 9” I guess… But that’s really tall. He’s muscular and buff. But not over the top. It’s cause he works out a lot. Which I think all boys should do.

Sadly, Nick never went to the same school as me. So I had to deal everything on my own. My hottie, understanding best friend not with me through all these years… Until, this year. For my third year in high school, I’m finally going to go to the same school as Nick. Even if I’m so ugly he’s fine with walking around or hanging out with me. Hopefully.

I decided to move out of my public school cause I was so tired with the bullshit I have been keeping up with people there, so I decided to start somewhere new. Even if I know It’ll end up the same way it had always gone down for me. Now, I’m going to a private boarding school. So probably it would be even more hell for me. Huh? Well that was a stupid thing to do…

Well, I’ll tell you one more thing about myself… I am romantic, cheesy person. Although nothing romantic has ever happened in my life. Nothing. I still hope for it and I know it will come one day. In other words, you could call me a hopeless romantic. See? I am just like most teenage girls. I act like them and not how they think I should act like cause of how I look. I’m better than most of these girls in everything (not to boastful, again. I’m just trying to prove a point.) I don’t see why they have to treat me differently just because of how I look. See how cruel the world is sometimes? They say beauty is only skin deep, and yes I do think that too. But try telling that to everyone else.

Now I have to start a sort of new life. In a new school, with Nick at least. Without my mother or brother and father. I am to fend for myself and deal with crap that come my way. The only thing I have to bring with me is my old self. Looks and personality. So if you’re still reading about my unbearable life… You should go read some more.

Welcome to my silly, sad life, turned to something new…? I think. I guess. Well let’s see…

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