❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 37 ❀

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**Next day**

Jin got up early as usual. He saw tae beside him sleeping peacefully looking very cute

He kissed tae's forehead then covered him properly with the blanket and went out of room

He kissed tae's forehead then covered him properly with the blanket and went out of room

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After sometime he finished making breakfast. He went to everyone's room to wake them up.

After waking hobi tae and Namjoon he went yoongi's room. There he saw jimin and jungkook already awake. Jungkook was playing on his phone and jimin was encouraging him "yes yes kill him go kill him"

Jin shook his head and said "playing games just after waking up seriously?....leave the phone and brush your teeth both of your... breakfast is ready"

"Hyung 5 more minutes please" said jungkook without looking up from the phone

Jin snatched jungkook's phone and said "come down in 10 minutes....jimin you also"

"Hyunggggggg I was about to win" jungkook whined

Jimin chuckled loudly and jin said "you can play after breakfast now go fast"

Jungkook left the room while stomping his legs and jimin went behind him laughing at his cute actions

Jin then looked at yoongi and said "how can you sleep in this much noise.....wake up you sleepyhead"

Yoongi didn't move even a bit so jin went to shook him but stopped when he felt his hands warm. Then jin kept his hand on yoongi's forehead and felt it burning "oh no he got a high fever"

Jin shook him and said "yoongiah wake up you have fever"

Yoongi opened his eyes slightly and said "huh? Fever"

Jin: yes now get up and eat breakfast then I'll give you medicines"

"Hyung I don't want to get up my whole body is aching" said yoongi in sleepy voice

" it will be fine after taking medicines get up yoongi" said jin lovingly

Yoongi got up slowly and said "you go I will come in 5 minutes"

**At breakfast table**

Everyone is waiting for yoongi to join them so that they can start eating.

Soon yoongi came with a pale face

Namjoon: what happened yoongi hyung you don't look fine

Everyone turned their attention to yoongi and he just nodded his head

Jin: he has a fever

Jimin: he has a fever? Last night he was fine

Jungkook: yes hyung was completely fine last night

Yoongi looked at them and said "its just a fever stop worrying

Hobi: get well soon hyung your face looks very pale

Tae: yes you look very ugly

Everyone laughed and yoongi gave him a playful galre and said "I still look handsome than you"

Everyone again laughed and jin said "ok ok now eat your breakfast everyone"

Yoongi picked the spoon but it fell down because his hands were shaking due to weakness

Jin was sitting next to yoongi so he picked the spoon and said "I will feed you"

Jin brought spoon near yoongi's mouth but yoongi said "hyung its ok I can eat it myself"

Jin shoved the food in yoongi's mouth and said "shut up and eat"

After feeding him jin said "go to your room I'll be there in a minute"

Yoongi nodded and left from their.

Jin went to yoongi's room with a bowl of cold water, a cloth and some medicines

He gave yoongi meds and said "here take it"

Yoongi looked at jin with puppy eyes and said "hyungg you na know I don't like medicines"

Jin laughed and said "no one likes to eat medicines my baby"

Yoongi cringed and said "eww Don't call me baby"

He loves it when jin pamper him but ofcourse he doesn't show it

"Eat it come on" jin said with a little stren voice"

Yoongi unwillingly took the meds and laid down

Jin dipped the cloth in cold water, squeezed the excess water then kept it on yoongi's forehead

He then kept a thermometer in yoongi's mouth and soon it beeped.
He checked the temperature and it was 104°F and said "104 its very high how did you manage to catch this High fever"

Yoongi thought for a second and said "probably because of handling those two monkeys (jimin and jungkook)"

They both laughed.

After few minutes jin again dipped the cloth in water then squeezed the excess water and kept it on yoongi's forehead

"hyung.... lay here" yoongi said while patting on bed beside him

Jin teased him and said "ohh I see someone wants to cuddle with" he then got up from but yoongi said "and now I changed my mind"

Jin laughed and laid beside him and hugged him. Yoongi also hugged him and snuggled more into him

Jin again teased him

and said "I thought you changed your mind"

Yoongi glared him and said "you!...I don't want to be here" he tried to get up jin hugged him more tightly while laughing and said "ok ok I will stop now...but you look really cute when you are annoyed" he kissed yoongi's forehead and said "my baby get well soon"

Yoongi again snuggled into him and said "I am not a baby"

Yoongi again snuggled into him and said "I am not a baby"

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Someone requested me about yoongi centric chapter but I couldn't find who requested it

Please read my latest story also

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now