❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 56 ❀

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For the past two years, Yoongi had been fighting to erase her from his thoughts, to bury the memories deep within. But fate had its own cruel agenda. The girl he once adored with every fiber of his being, now hated with his whole heart, stood before him. As she stood there, a silent storm of memories and emotions raged within him, on the verge of bursting forth at any moment, overwhelming the barriers he had tried to maintain.

Soojin started introducing herself in her very sweet voice pretending to be nice and kind. Yoongi just stared at her and thought how can anyone be so much fake.

Soojin and the principal left after the introduction. Soojin didn't forget to give yoongi a nasty look before leaving. Yoongi somehow composed himself and started teaching. He really wasn't in the condition of teaching. he battled the memories of their past together, the pain of her betrayal was still fresh in his mind. It was like reopening a wound that had never fully healed. It was tough, having to see someone he used to love and care about, who had hurt him so deeply.

As soon as the class ended Yoongi went to the washroom. After seeing soojin today out of nowhere, he really wanted to cry his heart out but he controlled his tears and splashed water on his face two three times to get rid of her thoughts.

The school ended and jungkook was the first one to reach to the car. He stood near the car and waited for everyone. In no time yoongi came and jungkook said "Hyung" yoongi just hummed and jungkook said "you are looking very angry today...what happened". "Nothing" said yoongi whithout any emotions.

"See you are angry.. it is clear in your voice...what happened tell me na" said jungkook.
Yoongi looked at him and said "Nothing happened...I am not angry now be quiet" frustration was clearly visible in his tone. Jungkook pouted and said " stop lying I know you are angry-"
Yoongi cut him off and said "I AM NOT ANGRY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND AT ONCE" he said in loud and irritated tone.

Jungkook looked at him in disbelief and said "yes hyung I understood... you are not angry....not at all angry"

Soon tae and jimin also came and they all left for home. Jimin tae and jungkook were sitting on the back seat and whispering about yoongi's strange behaviour. Usually yoongi asks about their day in school or talks about anything else but today he is very silent.

Time skips evening

It was around 8 pm and tae was standing near the main gate waiting impatiently for namjoon. Well not exactly for namjoon but for his cup which namjoon promised to give him.

After around 10 minutes he saw namjoon and hobi entering the house. He immediately went to namjoon and said "hyung where is my cu-"

He got cut off by namjoon "not now tae" saying this namjoon left from there without sparing any glance to him

Tae got upset and was about to go from here but hobi stopped him and said "don't he sad tae...he had a bad day at work"

"Why? What happened?" Tae asked with curiosity. "Someone wanted to do an illegal business with him. That man really pissed off namjoon and he literally threw that man outside the office. Since then he has been angry" said hobi.

"Oh....I'll talk to him later" said tae.

After half an hour Tae went to namjoon's room and saw him doing something on his laptop. He climbed on his bed and sat next to him and said "what are you doing hyung?". "Office work" said namjoon without removing his eyes from the laptop.

"I heard you had a bad day at work" said tae and Namjoon just hummed. "What about my cup" tae asked hesitantly.
"Uhh don't disturb me Tae... don't you have any other work" said namjoon in an irritated tone. He completely forgot about the cup and their deal after encountering the man who wanted to do illegal business with him.

Tae got angry and said "don't tell me you didn't bring the cup of me...this is not fair hyung...that was my favourite cup... how can you forget about our deal-"

"SHUT UP TAE....HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY DON'T DISTURBE ME....I am not free like you....just go from here" yelled namjoon. He was doing some important work and he was getting disturbed by tae so he snapped at him.

Tae's eyes got teary. He just glared at him and went from there. He went to jin who was settling the dining table and said "Hyung you know what that namjoon hyung did" he said in a very angry tone.
Jin got startled by his angry tone and said "what?...what happened... what did he do"

Tae told how namjoon broke his favourite cup and then about their deal. Jin sighed and said "someday he will break this house also"

"Go scold him... firstly he broke his promise about bringing the same cup for me and then he took out his anger on me" said tae angrily

Jin brought his pink frying pan and said "I will not leave him today" saying this jin went to namjoon's room and soon tae saw namjoon coming out of his room while running and jin was behind him holding his frying pan ready to hit him "stop right there kim namjoon".

Namjoon kept running in the whole house to save his precious butt from jin's pink frying pan. Tae started laughing seeing namjoon's condition.

In the living room namjoon bumped with hobi and said  "hobi save from jin hyung" he was happy thinking hobi will save him but to his bad luck hobi held his ear and handed him to jin. Jin held namjoon's hand tightly so that he won't run away. Namjoon glared at hobi and said "traitor"

Jin smacked namjoon's butt with his frying pan and said "stop glaring at him and look at me." Namjoon rubbed his butt and looked at jin.

Jin again smacked his butt. "Ahhhhh hyung why are you hitting me atleast tell me" said namjoon

When jin went to namjoon's room with his frying pan, Namjoon was just doing his work. Jin just marched towards namjoon without saying anything and he started running to save him life so he was clueless why jin was hitting him in the first place.

"Because firstly you broke tae's favourite cup then you broke your promise about bringing the  cup from him and then you scolded him without any reason" saying this jin again smacked his butt. Namjoon rubbed his butt and said "Ahh ahh stop it...I'll bring the cup tomorrow"
Tae and hobi laughed at namjoon.

"It will be good for you otherwise be ready to get your ass smacked again" said jin while chuckling. Jin raised the frying pan again to tease him. Namjoon covered his butt with his both hands and said "he he hyung this there will be no need for that"

Tae smiled in satisfaction after namjoon got scolded.

I got very less votes in last chapter. I thought you all would love this new plot (yoongi's insecurity his past his ex and all)

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned


𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now