❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 43 ❀

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Jin: I got a call from the city hospital. They were saying namjoon is admitted there and is looking for us

They couldn't believe it but they all went with jin hoping it to be true

They all reached the hospital and asked the receptionist about namjoon

Receptionist "he is in room no. 77 on the 2nd floor"

They all immediately went to the room and all of them felt relieved seeing namjoon there. He was injured and looking pale but they were happy that he is alive. They probably never felt this much happiness in their entire life

As soon as namjoon saw them he sat down and tried to get up but couldn't due to weakness so he opened his arms

Jin immediately went to him and hugged him "namjoonah...are you okay?....how did you end up here?"

Namjoon kept hugging jin tightly feeling relaxed in his hyungs'embrace.

Everyone was looking at them with heart eyes and feeling happy seeing namjoon alive.

Hobi went to him. He kissed his forehead and hugged him tightly and said "I knew you were not dead.....I knew it"

He was crying badly hugging namjoon. Namjoon was also crying feeling everyone's love.

After sometime Namjoon calmed down a bit. Jin wiped his tears made him drink water and said "namjoonah please tell us everything from starting whatever happened with you"

Hobi tried to get away from namjoon so that he could tell everything properly but namjoon held him and didn't let him ho so he sat beside him.

Namjoon took a breath and said in a "In USA when I was on the way to airport my car's tire got punchered I was calling the mechanics but suddenly out of nowhere few people surrounded me. They were wearing mask. They were threatening me to give everything to them. I was trying to stop them but ut one of them hit me on my head" he pointed his bandaged head

"Then I fainted their. And when I opened my eyes I found myself laying on the hospital bed and my friend Drake ( he lives in the USA only) was their. He was on my last dail so doctors contacted him. He also told me that the plane form which I was supposed to come here got crashed..... god bless those robbers...if not for them then I would have die-

"Hey don't talk about death please" said jin cutting him off. And hobi held his hand more tightly

"why didn't you contacted us before.... we all were so devastated...we thought you really died" said yoongi while trying not to cry

Namjoon opened his arms for yoongi. yoongi immediately hugged him and few tears left from his eyes

Namjoon: I tried contacting you all so many times but I couldn't My phone was dead and I didn't remember anyone's phone number . I was dying to see you all. With Drake's help I came to seoul as soon as possible. When I reached seoul I again fainted due to the head injury and when I woke up I again found myself laying in the hospital bed. And since I don't remember anyone's phone number I told them famous dr kim seokjin his my brother so they immediately contacted you"

Yoongi parted from the hug and said "now you will never go to any business trip alone... that's final and hobi you also"

Hobi tried to say something but jin cut him off and said "yes yoongi is right and one more thing memories my number today only anyhow"

Namjoon just chuckled seeing their protectiveness.

Namjoon then looked at maknaes and said "Won't you guys come to me"

They three ran to him hugged him tightly

Jimin: "I was waiting for my turn to meet you hyung" he said in a innocent tone making everyone chuckle

Tae: yoongi hyung is right from now on you will never go to any business trip alone....we were so sacred

Namjoon chucked at his strict voice and said "I won't... happy now?"

Jimin and tae pulled out from the hug but jungkook was not ready to leave him.
Namjoon chuckled and said "jungkookah I am not going anywhere....relax"

Jungkook shook his head and snuggled more into namjoon.

Namjoon parted from jungkook so see his face and gasped seeing his face drenched in tears

Namjoon wiped his tears and said "why are you crying now jungkook......I am perfectly fine baby"

Jungkook sobbed and said "I missed you so much..I thought I could never meet you now.. Hyung I can't leave without you please don't ever leave me"

Namjoon's eyes got a little teary he hugged him and said "I will never leave you I promise"

Ahh I am apologising for this boring chapter....I am writing it after literally study for whole day (10-12 hours)

I honestly wanted to take a break from writing because of exams but then I thought I also love reading stories and I honestly feel bad when authors take break or don't upload for so many days....so I am trying to upload as frequently I can so that you won't have to wait.... Also I feel good after writing

Give me some ideas for the next chapter!!

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜.

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now