❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 58 ❀

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Hobi smirked mischievously and replied, "Oh..I am dead serious buddy" With a swift motion, he playfully smacked the frying pan against Namjoon's butt.

Namjoon gazed at Hobi, his eyes brimming with hurt. He never imagined Hobi would actually hit him. He had assumed it was just playful teasing. Before he could utter a word, the sharp pain struck him again, eliciting a pained cry, "Ah, stop it, hyung!"

Hobi and the others erupted into laughter at Namjoon's reaction, unaware of the genuine hurt they were causing him. With a smirk, Hobi swung the pan again, striking Namjoon's butt once more. "Why should I stop, huh?" he taunted, chuckling. "You broke Tae's favorite cup. Don't you think you deserve this?"

Namjoon winced in pain, feeling the force of Hobi's blows. If it were Jin instead of Hobi, he knew Jin would have been gentler, giving him just a few playful hits before letting him go. But Hobi seemed to enjoy hitting and teasing him, unaware to the fact that each strike was causing real pain.

With a smirk on his face, Hobi delivered another smack and taunted, "I warned you that you'd regret it." Another strike followed as he continued, laughing, "Are you going to tease me again?"

Namjoon shook his head and replied, "No..... never again. I won't tease you ever again." The hurt in his voice was clear, though none of them seemed to notice.

Satisfied, Hobi smiled and said, "Good, you can go now." Completely unaware of how he had hurt Namjoon, Hobi remained in a playful mood. Namjoon, however, felt hurt, not just from the physical blows, but from the realization that Hobi had taken their teasing so seriously and had begun hitting him in jest.

Namjoon immediately went to his room, tears streaming down his cheeks. He felt deeply embarrassed by being smacked in front of his younger brothers, their laughter only intensifying his shame. He hadn't anticipated Hobi's actions; being just a year older, he had hoped for more attention from him. However, Hobi's focus always seemed to be on the makanes, leaving Namjoon feeling neglected and hurt.

Meanwhile with yoongi-

After pushing Namjoon, Yoongi started making his way to his room, but Jin trailed behind him, urging him to stop. Ignoring Jin's pleas, Yoongi continued, intent on reaching his room. Upon reaching his room, he hurriedly tried to lock the door to keep Jin out, but Jin, quick on his feet, gently pushed past Yoongi and entered the room.

Yoongi sighed and looked at jin with pissed eyes "what?"

"Don't 'what' me yoongi... what is wrong with you" jin retorted

"Nothing is wrong with me, now go," Yoongi snapped, his tone dripping with annoyance. Firstly jin followed him to his room and now he is questioning him.

"Really? If nothing's wrong with you, then why did you push Namjoon? He could've fallen and hurt himself. And if nothing's wrong with you, then why are you desperately trying to get away from me?" Jin countered, his voice tinged with concern.

"Uhhhh I am already very tired  Stop annoying me and just go from here don't you have other works " yoongi spat rudely. After his encounter with Soojin earlier, he was in no mood to talk to anyone.

"Yoongi... behave I am older than you.. you can't talk to me like that even if you are tired" said jin. He knew something was wrong with yoongi but no matter what yoongi isn't allowed to talk rudely with him.

Yoongi glared at Jin angrily and spat out, "Then get lost if you're having problems with my 'behavior'... Why the hell are you bothering me?.....Don't you have anything else to do?" he continued, his tone dripping with disdain. "Or are you just here to annoy the hell out of me?"

That's it Jin's patience reached its breaking point. He had raised Yoongi like his own son, and he refused to tolerate this disrespect. This disrespect was intolerable. Jin knew yoongi needs to be disciplined otherwise he would not say anything and keep all the things which were bothering him to himself

Jin realized that if he didn't step in and help Yoongi, he might keep his feelings bottled up inside. He knew it was important to talk things through, so he could understand what was bothering Yoongi and help him deal with it. With that in mind, Jin sat on the bed and pulled Yoongi over his lap, giving him two firm smacks.

It all happened in a flash, catching Yoongi off guard. As he regained his senses, he began to struggle to break free from Jin's hold. But Jin held on firmly and delivered another, stronger smack, intending to discipline his younger brother.

"Ahhhhh leave him hyung" pleaded yoongi.

"Oh, now you remember I'm your hyung!" Jin's voice was tinged with anger as he delivered another firm smack. "Then don't you know you can't talk to your hyung like that?" He continued, his tone stern as he sought to teach Yoongi a lesson.

"Ah, I'm sorry, hyung. I won't talk to you like that again," Yoongi exclaimed, his voice laced with pain

Jin gave him two final pain full smacks and said "Now, are you willing to talk things out peacefully?"

"Ahhhhhhh yes, but please stop it now," Yoongi winced in pain while rubbing his sore butt. Dealing with an angry Jin and his smacks was no laughing matter.

Jin hummed and said, "Get up and sit beside me." His tone was cold, which Yoongi didn't like, but he knew he deserved this after talking to Jin like that.

After Yoongi sat beside him, Jin said, "Now, tell me what happened... why are you behaving like this?"

Yoongi looked down, taking a moment before speaking. "Soojin," he finally said, the name heavy on his lips.

Jin looked at him angrily, frustration evident in his gaze as he cut in, "What Soojin? Don't tell me you're missing her again. Yoongi, how can you still be missing her after what she did to you?"

"She came as a new teacher in school," Yoongi interrupted him, his voice strained with emotion. "I can never miss her, hyung... Not after what she did to me... I hate her," he continued, tears welling up in his eyes, betraying the pain he still carried.

Jin felt a pang of empathy for Yoongi. He knew how deeply Yoongi was in love with Soojin and how devastated he was when she cheated on him. Yoongi cried his heart out in Jin's arms on his birthday when he found out, and Jin was there for him every step of the way, being his biggest support and comfort.

Jin gently rested his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, a silent gesture of comfort, and asked softly, "Did she say anything to you?"

Yoongi nodded, his voice trembling as he recounted his encounter with Soojin. The floodgates of emotion burst open, and tears streamed down Yoongi's cheeks as he struggled to contain the pain he had been holding back after that encounter. Sensing his distress, Jin pulled him close, embracing him tightly as Yoongi cried, allowing him to finally release the emotions he had been suppressing since morning

Does anyone want a flashback for the day when soojin cheated on yoongi?

To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now