❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 53 ❀

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"So when you were about 6 months old..............


12 years ago

Ages- :
Jin- 15
Yoongi 14
Jungkook- 6 months

(6 months before their parents died)

As 14-year-old Yoongi sat backstage, clutching his guitar, anticipation and hope filled his heart. He eagerly awaited the arrival of his family, their promised presence a beacon of support in the sea of performers. But as time trickled by, his excitement turned to anxiety, then to disappointment. He felt a pang inside his heart looking at all the other participants with their family members. He felt lonely.

With just five minutes remaining until his performance, Yoongi felt a sinking feeling in his chest. Doubt crept in, overshadowing his once vibrant enthusiasm. Despite his efforts to hold back tears, the sting of abandonment pricked at his eyes. Summoning every ounce of courage, he stepped onto the stage, his heart heavy with the burden of loneliness.

As he began to sing and play, his fingers danced across the strings with skill born of passion. Yet, his gaze wandered, a silent plea for the familiar faces that never appeared. With each note, his longing for their presence intensified, a bittersweet melody underscoring his solitary performance. Though his family's absence pierced his heart, Yoongi poured his soul into his music, a poignant symphony of both sorrow and resilience echoing through the empty space.

Winning first place should have been a moment of pure joy, but instead, a heavy sadness weighed down his heart. The absence of his family cast a shadow over his victory, leaving him feeling hollow and uncelebrated. It was as if his triumph meant nothing without their presence, as if their absence stripped away the significance of his achievement. With a forced smile masking his disappointment, he accepted the trophy, but inside, the emptiness gnawed at him. With a stoic expression, he left the stage, carrying the weight of unacknowledged success and the ache of longing for the support that never came.

As he stepped through the threshold of his home, the scene before him twisted the knife of betrayal deeper into his wounded heart  he saw everyone in the living room. They were all talking and laughing together, like they hadn't made him sad by not coming to his show. It hurt him a lot. He felt like they didn't care about his feelings. Tears filled his eyes as he watched them having fun without him. It made him feel alone and ignored.

He was standing their silently untill Mrs kim (their mother) noticed him "yoongi?...you came back?....how was your day baby?".

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Yoongi gazed at her, his voice heavy with hurt and confusion. "Why did you all promise to come see my performance if you never intended to?" His words, though spoken plainly, carried the weight of his shattered trust and the ache of betrayal

Suddenly, a wave of realization washed over everyone, a collective pang of guilt piercing their hearts. They had promised to be there for Yoongi, but amidst the chaos of life, their pledge slipped their minds. The weight of their forgetfulness settled heavily upon them, overshadowing the joy of the moment with the regret of their neglect.

Mrs. Kim gently passed 6-month-old Jungkook into her husband's arms, her heart heavy with the weight of remorse. With cautious steps, she approached Yoongi, her voice trembling with regret as she spoke. "Yoongi, sweetheart, we can explain," she began, her tone soft and apologetic. "We were all prepared to be there for you, but suddenly Jungkook fell ill, and everything else slipped from our minds... I'm so sorry, baby." Each word dripped with sincerity, a desperate attempt to mend the broken trust and soothe the pain in Yoongi's eyes.

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now