❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 61 ❀

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Hobi yelped in pain and got scared seeing yoongi's anger. Yoongi looked like he could kill anyone at that moment. He has never seen yoongi this angry. Yoongi harshly made him stand up and said "You've crossed the line kim hoseok. HOW DARE YOU TALK TO JIN HYUNG LIKE THAT. I will not leave you....I will make you regret it."  Saying this, Yoongi started dragging Hobi towards his room. Hobi glanced at Jin, hoping for help, but Jin only met his gaze with cold, hurt-filled eyes. Hobi realised he messed up really badly this time.

After yoongi forcefully dragged hobi to his room, the living room went completely silent. Jin was just looking down staring at nothing in particular. He was on the verge of breaking down. Tae and jungkook started crying silently being scared of whatever happened just now and jimin hugged them to give them comfort.

"Jiminah....take jungkook and tae to your room and don't worry everything is fine okay" said namjoon.

After jimin tae and jungkook went to their room, namjoon went closer to jin. He put his hand on jin's shoulder and said "hyung.... don't take hobi hyung's words to your heart...he didn't mean it...he was angry and out of his mind because something happened between us... that's why he lashed out at you" he said trying his best to convince jin.

Jin removed namjoon's hand from his shoulder and said "I want to stay alone for something" and before namjoon could say anything, jin left from there with tears streaming down his face

Namjoon stood there and sighed. He was feeling guilty thinking that if nothing had happened to him last time when he went on a business trip, hobi would have got permission to go and all this trouble would not have happened. Suddenly he widened his eyes realising that yoongi was looking really angry and he might punish hobi really hard. He ran to hobi's room and was about to open the door but it was locked form inside. He could hear hobi'd loud crying from inside. He Started banging the door hardly but no one opened it.

Meanwhile inside the room.

Yoongi was hitting hobi with a broken leg of his wooden work table which was not at all appropriate for hitting someone. The surface of that stick was very rough and it had many splinters in it which was piercing  hobi's skin.
Yoongi was blindly hitting him anywhere without seeing the blood which started oozing out of the poor boy's body. To protect himself, hobi covered his body with his arms causing the stick to land at his arms. He cried loudly when the splinter of that stick pierced his skin. He was begging and crying to yoongi to leave him.

Namjoon was panicking hearing hobi's loud cryings. He started banging more loudly but it all went deaf ears. Tears started forming in his eyes hearing hobi's painful sobs.

Meanwhile yoongi was out of senses. At this point, he was not just punishing hobi, he was literally taking out all his frustration of the past few days on hobi. He was so lost in taking out all his frustration and anger that he didn't care about hobi's crying and apologises. He was not even realising what is was doing and how badly he would regret it later

The stick broke but yoongi didn't decide to stop hitting the poor boy. He unbuckled his belt and landed it hardly on hobi's back. Hobi let out a loud cry and then everything went black.

Namjoon was leaning against the door sobbing silently. He panicked when he heard hobi's very loud and painful cry. He grew even more panicked when suddenly hobi stopped crying. Now only the sound of the belt striking against hobi's body could be heard.

Namjoon immediately ran to jin's room and banged his door hardly. Jin came out of his room with teary puffy eyes. He frowned seeing namjoon's tear stained face and asked worriedly "what happened?".

Without saying anything, namjoon dragged jin towards hobi room. Outside of hobi's room, jin looked at namjoon with cold eyes and said "why did you dragged me here?"

"Hobi hyung... yoongi hyung is hitting him... he is not speaking anything" said namjoon while panicking badly.

Jin leaned against the door to hear carefully and heard the sound of belt crashing against someone's body. Only the belt's sound could be heard. Hobi was completely silent. He widened his eyes imagining the worst scenarios "bring the spare keys from my room.. fast" said jin while banging on the door

Namjoon immediately ran to jin's room and started searching for spare keys.

Jin started banging the door with full force but yoongi was too blinded by the anger to hear it. Namjoon came back with the spare keys and they opened the door without wasting any second.

As soon as they went inside the room, Jin and Namjoon's heart clenched seeing their brother's pitiful condition. Hobi was wearing a white shirt which was now completely red, dreanhed in his own blood.

Jin ran to yoongi and held his hand to stop. Yoongi started struggling in jin's grip to get out of it and succeed. He was about to crash the belt on hobi's back but namjoon came in front of hobi as a shield and the belt landed on his back. Namjoon winched in pain and hugged hobi more protectively. The hit was very hard and Namjoon couldn't imagine how difficult it must have been for hobi to bear it.

Yoongi was getting out of control so jin slapped him with full force making him stop all his actions. Yoongi just stood there his face didn't reflect any emotions. Jin held yoongi's hand and dragged him to his room

Namjoon looked at hobi's pitiful state and started crying. Hobi's hands were badly injured and were bleeding severely. Namjoon pulled hobi's shirt and gasped seeing the belt marks.

"How.... how could yoongi hyung be so cruel" only these words escaped from namjoon's mouth.

Meanwhile jin locked yoongi in his room. Yoongi was silent all the time and jin was fuming in anger. He knew after what hobi did, he deserved to get punished but definitely not this badly. After locking yoongi, jin went to hobi's room with his medical kit. He saw Namjoon sitting beside hobi and hobi's head was on namjoon's lap. Namjoon was patting hobi's face to wake him up but it didn't work.

Jin went closer to them and sat down on the floor. He took off hobi's shirt carefully and gasped seeing the belt marks. His anger for yoongi grew even more. Jin cleaned all blood from hobi's hand and wrapped bandanges over it. Seeing all the blood and his wounds, a tear escaped from jin's eyes imagining the pain his brother went through. He then applied medicine over hobi's back and gave him a injection to prevent any infection because of that broken wood.

Then namjoon and jin layed hobi on his bed. They both sat beside hobi in silence. Both of them didn't knew what to say. They didn't expect yoongi to be this harsh on hobi. Jin started feeling guilty for allowing yoongi to punish. Suddenly something clicked jin's mind and he spoke "namjoonah"

Namjoon who was caressing hobi's hair said "yes hyung"

"Umm you were saying that hobi was angry and out of his mind because of something happened between you both...what was it?...what happened between you both that he was so out of his mind and lashed out at me" asked jin curiously. He was still hurt because of hobi's but he can't stop caring about him.

To be continued

140+ votes for next part

This was in my draft since like a week but I couldn't edit it. 🙃

Anyways can anyone suggest me some ideas for seven brothers. I really want to update it but I am not getting any ideas

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