01 Newcomer;

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3rd Person POV:

Everyone's eyes diverted to her, gazing at her confident stride and her long hair draping down her back flowing along, her body shaped like one of a magazine model clothed in the school's uniform which seemed tailored for her, her short skirt revealed her long legs wrapped in a pair of sheer black thigh highs which ended with the school uniform's shoes that clicked at her every step. She had her schoolbag hanging from her arm like a designer handbag and her face wasn't to be overlooked; her full glossed lips and her shiny e/c eyes, her rosey cheeks and long lashes all complimented her look perfectly. From her ears dangled a pair of chanel earrings which made her eyes pop even more.

She walked confidently looking straight, unfazed by the stares of others, not in a boastful or bragging way but in an elegant demeanor, she took pride in her looks but not to the point of looking down on others.

2nd Person POV:

You could feel everyone's stare on you as you walked through the corridor towards the teacher's lounge, you didn't necessarily dislike it but this wasn't anything new to you as you'd always been beautiful, having participated in pageantries since a young age; you were daughter to a famous actress and a wealthy business man and CEO of one of Japan's largest food companies. As much as they seemed loving towards each other in public, behind closed doors all they would do was bicker and cheat on one another. Their marriage was arranged by their parents and they never fell in love with each other no matter how many years they'd been together. It didn't matter much anyways since your dad was never home, always being on business trips and your mother was always travelling to award shows and shooting movies and tv shows.

You sat on a couch in the teacher's lounge waiting for classes to start as your homeroom teacher said he'd introduce you at the start of his first class. Your two friends were unfortunately both placed in different classes, separating the three of you and forcing you to wait until break to finally be with them.

The bell rang indicating the start of the lessons, you trailed behind Himawari Sensei, your homeroom teacher, in the now empty corridors. He instructed you to wait outside the classroom door while he greeted the class before introducing you.

"...We're already a couple months in the school year but I'd like to introduce you to a new transfer student who's school recently had to close." Mr. Himawari's words were queue for you to come in; you opened the sliding door and confidently walked in before standing next to your teacher: "Nice to meet you everyone I'm Y/N L/N, I hope we can all get along" You gave a soft smile, feeling everyone's gaze on you as some whispers could be heard 'she's gorgeous' 'she looks like royalty' 'I'm gonna make her my girlfriend'

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