02 Dare;

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You waved goodbye to Rumi and Mari and made your way to class with a sigh, the lunch break was already over and you couldn't even see them after school as Rumi had joined the softball and basketball club whilst Mari had errands to run

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You waved goodbye to Rumi and Mari and made your way to class with a sigh, the lunch break was already over and you couldn't even see them after school as Rumi had joined the softball and basketball club whilst Mari had errands to run. You opened the clasroom door to find Shoko, Satoru and Suguru sat together around your two desks and the class still half empty as students were still returning from lunch.

"Hey look who's back" Shoko let out a smile gesturing for you to sit beside her.

"Hi Shoko! Hello to you too Geto-san and Gojo-san" You greeted her back as you hung your bag on your desk and sat down. Shoko took a sip of her coffee can she had previously got from a vending machine, would definitely not be your choice of drink but she seemed to enjoy it. "Who's Sukuna Ryomen by the way" you asked curiously causing Shoko to spit out her drink on Suguru who sat in front of her "Hey why didn't you just choke on it!" he complained. Satoru's eyes widened a bit at your question.

Shoko turned to you "Someone you should avoid like the plague" she said chuckling, "He's no good all he does is bully nerds into doing his homework and he sleeps around with every girl he deems pretty, he probably has some kind of STD by now" you looked at her repulsed by her words, ugh how gross he was probably insecure, it's not like you had no experience yourself but that guy was a manwhore.

"Why do you ask though" Shoko was a bit interested now since you'd only been there for half a day and had already managed to run into his name. "Uhm he tried acting all high and mighty in the cafeteria and then gave me his phone number, I don't plan on texting him though" You replied to which Shoko let out a laugh. "He's gonna be so pissed, good for you Y/N he probably thought you were easy and that you'd text him immediately like every other girl he pulls this stunt off with." The look of disgust on your face was even more prominent now, he's even worse than you thought, you were definitely steering clear of that guy and his little group.

"Speak of the devil" Satoru half whispered as Sukuna set foot in the classroom "Anyways Y/N, you're coming to Kugisaki's party Saturday right?" he tried to divert the conversation as you probably shouldn't speak of him in his presence so you wouldn't get bothered by him even more. "Hmm I'll have to check my agenda" you said jokingly "Yeah of course, what are you gonna wear Shoko" you asked the brunette.

Sukuna's seat was at the left of yours and Shoko's desks, by the window, he glanced at you seemingly interested by the conversation but then immersed himself in his phone as he deemed it quite boring, he'd be attending the party as well anyways.

The bell rang after a few minutes and Satoru and Suguru returned to their seats, you and Shoko kept chit chatting every now and then until the end of classes bell rang; you sighed at the thought of the amount of work that got assigned already and tried to mentally prepare yourself for the hours of studying at your desk once you'd get home.

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