03 Detention;

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"Lady Y/N wake up you'll be late for school!" Your head maid shook you trying to wake you up, you groaned, your back sore from sleeping on the dining room chair, still wearing your school uniform from the day prior

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"Lady Y/N wake up you'll be late for school!" Your head maid shook you trying to wake you up, you groaned, your back sore from sleeping on the dining room chair, still wearing your school uniform from the day prior. You checked the time 7:48 am and school started at 8... ugh you were gonna be late on your second day of school earning an afternoon in detention.

You sighed and changed your shirt and quickly brushed your teeth, you applied a touch of makeup and some perfume before leaving for school with your breakfast and lunch packed in your school bag. Your driver was luckily waiting outside your mansion's gates, you hopped in the back seat as he drove you to school.

8:12 am

"Please don't write me down on the late list, it's barely been a few minutes!" You begged the man that had the duty of shutting the school's gates in the morning. "You know the rules, no excuses!" He replied sternly. "What's your name" He said clicking his pen with the intent of writing you down.

"Ryomen Sukuna" you lied trying to not get a late notice on your second day. The man chuckled "Nice try sweetheart, I know that kid better than the back of my hand, I bet you he'll arrive even later than you do, before I report you to the principal, what is your name"

You sighed "Y/N L/N please don't give me detention I swear I won't be late again" He clicked his pen and wrote your name down "Be in the detention hall straight after class or there will be serious consequences" You sighed and trudged your way to class, opening the door and quietly making your way to your desk, noticing that in fact Sukuna wasn't even in class yet.

"Why so late" Shoko whispered trying not to catch the teacher's attention. "I stayed up late studying and forgot to set my alarm" you whispered back ashamed. She giggled, your teacher sick of it already turned around and said loudly "L/N you were late already and now you're disturbing my class, you'll have an extra 30 minutes detention, and you Ieri, can join her for those 30 minutes" You plopped onto your desk defeated and decided to follow class for the rest of the day.

Sukuna ended up arriving an hour late which earned him 2 hours of detention. Great, now not only were you in detention for an hour and a half but you'd have to spend it with him. You sighed, the school hours went by rather slowly and eventually the end of school bell rang, you stretched out your arms and made your way to the detention hall with Shoko.

"Can you help me with maths Y/N?" she asked playfully, "Yeah sure as long as you help me with Chemistry" you rolled your eyes in a joking manner. You sat at the back of the class with Shoko and the half hour went by really quickly, you managed to help Shoko with maths but you ended up only doing half of Chemistry; you sighed and waved goodbye to your friend as she left, resting your head on your desk defeated.

"Anything I can help with?" Sukuna towered over your desk with a smirk.

"Uhm yeah actually I'm struggling with chemistry" You sighed, maybe you could give him a chance, maybe he wasn't as bad as people described him to be and you weren't alone anyways so it's not like he could try anything.

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