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You stretched your arms out looking for your phone to check the time, your back feeling sore from the awkward position you'd slept in, realizing you'd fallen asleep at the Kugisaki home you sat up in hopes of retrieving any device to check the dat...

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You stretched your arms out looking for your phone to check the time, your back feeling sore from the awkward position you'd slept in, realizing you'd fallen asleep at the Kugisaki home you sat up in hopes of retrieving any device to check the date and time. You found your phone on the floor... the battery was dead, struck by the realization that it was Monday and your alarm hadn't rang and you were blocks away from your home without a uniform you mentally gave up on the school day.

You found Nobara's phone on the table and checked the time: 7:18 am, if you started getting ready now you could've probably made it but you'd have to ask Nobara for her gym clothes and you'd end up in detention again. You noticed that Megumi and Yuji were missing but Nobara was still sound asleep on the couch; you opted for waking her up as she might've not wanted to skip school like you.

The brunette let out a mumble before slightly opening her eyes "What is it Y/N" she said half awake in a groggy tone. "Actually it's 7:20 and it's Monday we have school" You said in a soft tone.

Nobara shot up from the position she was laying in "Ugh I forgot to set my alarm again, but Y/N you don't have any spare clothes what are you gonna do?" you shrugged at her question to which her eyes lit up as if she'd just gotten an idea: "Wanna skip and go out together, classes are always so boring on Monday anyways and we can just call in sick" she suggested with a mischievous look on her face. "You don't have to tell me twice" you winked at her before getting up from your seat.

"Where's Itadori and Fushiguro by the way" you asked to which the brunette shrugged, she instead suggested getting breakfast; you made your way to the kitchen and sat down at the table, Nobara cooked some egg rolls and vegetables with rice. "Speak of the devil" She said as the two males made their way into the kitchen fully dressed in their uniform, "How come you guys brought uniforms" you pouted annoyed at being the only one that forgot hers.

"Ah actually I had mine in my practice bag from yesterday and Megumi had left a spare here since we sleep here on most days." Yuji said sitting down next you while Megumi took a seat next to what you assumed was going to be Nobara's. "Ffs me and Y/N are skipping, I'd lend her my spare but it's in the wash plus I've been craving some Pho from that new place that opened in Shinjuku, you boys wanna join us?" Nobara said while serving four plates of breakfast. "I can't I have a test today" Megumi sighed at your irresponsibility; "I have tutoring since I've been failing my chemistry" Yuji followed resting his face on his fist, annoyed that he couldn't spend the day with you.

You finished up your breakfast and waved goodbye to the boys who left for school before rushing upstairs to get dressed with Nobara, you put your phone on charge and texted your friends as soon as it turned on:

3 Peas in a Pod

Won't see you guys at lunch later I'm not at school~

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