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-Travis' POV-

TW: Self harm

Sal helps me bandage up my bloodied arm, me, still drunk is having a panic attack, "I'm so sorry *hiccup* I dragged you into thish mess and Ijush wanna make things better." I say slurring up my words.

"Trav." I look at the blue boy ( I head cannon sal and Travis r the same height :D)



"Please try not to hurt yourself again, please...it hurts me to see you hurt like this, I know your drunk and all but I know deep down that even though under all that bullying, there's a dude, a cool dude, no, an amazing dude, he's just, he's just afraid. Afraid to be himself."

I start to feel myself tearing up again, I slowly feel my legs give out and I drop to the floor and on both knees I cradle my bruised, red face. Sal starts to cry to, he sits down next to me, he touches my hands to life them off my sorrowed face, he holds them, drops them, I look up to him, he lifts his two hands onto my face, "it's going to b-be alright Trav..it's all going to be alright." I let out a loud cry and I start to really sob, we sit on the cold, wet, yellow-ish floor for about an half an hour talking about school, laughing, but hoping no one would come in.

I stop talking and look at Sal, "Sal, thank you, oh my god thank you so much," I used Gods name in vain but, at a good cost, Sal looks at me, "thank you for what...?"

"Thank you for noticing my pain. Even though you didn't mean to walk into my situation, you still stayed. I mean, most people would have probably walked out and shoved my feelings aside...hah."
I sorta chuckle, Sal looks at me sorta seriously and tenses up, his eyes looking angry but full with sorrow, "Travis, you shouldn't feel that way, not at all."

"I know, Sal I know"

The bell rings.

It's time to go home, "shit, fuck, Sal we need to go," I get up and get my bag in the last stall, failing to notice my mothers necklace on the ground.
"Sal thank you so much but I really need to go, I don't want my father getting, erm, 'worried' yeah."
I make air quotes but before he could question me I leave.

I make my way to the exit of this hell hole, I then see my fathers car pull up so I walk over to it, before I could even breath. My 'father' grabs me by the collar and shoves me into my seat and we zoom off.

-Sals POV-

I hear the bell ringing and it scares me a little but Travis looks terrified, like, it's his last day on earth, like the worlds about the end, sure, I may be over exaggerating but that doesn't seem right in this case, it feels the only person that matters in this world, is...Travis, I start to wonder why he put air quotations around the word 'worried'

I run out to Larry's minivan and find him waiting there with...Ash? WAIT A MINUTE WERE THEY JUST KISSING!? I pick up my pace to solve this mystery and sure enough, their M.A.K.I.N.G out in the front seats, "erm. Larry." I say from out the window, they quickly pull away from each-other blushing, "h-hey sal-" they both say very quickly , "uhm let's just go home please," the rest of the car ride was really awkward, as we drop Ash off at her house we make our way back to the apartments, "sooo....you and Ash, huh?" I say, more of a statement than an answer.

"Look man. I don't know what to tell ya, uhh we sorta liked each-other for I while and I promise I was gonna tell you soon enough dude," he makes a pinkie promise in the air, "it's fine bro! I was just, uh, surprised." I say while fidgeting with my hair.
"Ok broski... we cool?" He stutters, "we're we not!?" I chuckle as does he. We make our way back into Addison Apartments and we both go down to Larry's house (aka the basement) Lisa who is Larry's mom and sorta mine too since my dad ( Henry ) and her got married last October which in my opinion is the best month to get married in cause like just imagine!
There's pumpkins, dark red roses BLOOD. Omg the vibe is just spectacular, anyway, we walk into Larry's room.

Larry's room, smells like weed and axe body spray with a hint of toothpaste.
I plop down on Larry's very messy bed, I am so exhausted after today, cause of yk, Travis in all.
Larry notices how tired I am "hey little dude, somethings up. What is it?" He looks at my with confused puppy eyes masking me laugh a bit "Nothing to worry about Lar-bear."


-Travis POV-

TW:mentions of rape, self harm, sexual assault, abuse.

As soon as we pull up the drive, my father stops the car and drags me inside, now by my hair.
He pulls me down to the basement, I hate the fucking basement, It's full of cobwebs, spiders, weapons such as; whips, knifes, axes, screwdrivers, chains etc.
My father really does hate me ( if you haven't noticed already ) he wants me to be more like him, an asshole to be precise, he doesn't care what I like and don't like, if he tells me something I need to do it or shit like this will happen. Right now I'm tied up against the wall my father whipping me, my legs are bleeding, why can't I be a normal fucker for once..?
"Do you know what you did boy...?" My father exclaims tiredly.
"N-no sir."

"Well maybe this will fucking make you remember.!!!"

He slaps me. Hard.
He turns around. Fast.
He whips out my journal. Screwed.

Im screwed. Holy shit. He found it. He really found it.

"Let me read out the first few chapters! Huh!? DOES THAT SOUND OK TO YOU!?" He raises his voice, but it's really just a blur.

" 21st September 1990 ( 1st entry - 12yrs old )

I hate this stupid home, if you can even call it that.
All father does is hit me, shout, he blames me for mums death but he's the one who killed her.
I witnessed him a few months ago, he was towered over my mother, strangling her to death, her darks crimson blood dripping out of her mouth.
I'll never forget that, he hurts me all the time, a few times he did weird things to me, he touched my upper leg up and down while eating dinner, he kissed me with TOUNGE a few times.
It made me feel dirty. He made me feel dirty, it's disgusting.
It's just love, I need to learn to except fathers love even if I feel this way, everyone's fathers do this.
I hope.

Well I'll cya later I have bible study and father says I get a surprise later if I be good, I wonder what it is! "

I start to cry, remembering what the surprise was..
He took me down to the bottom of the ministry.
Everyone was wearing cloaks; to be more specific black leather cloaks with a bright purple lining and dark purple broach.
They surrounded me. They touched me, in many, many places. A few of them took a off their cloaks and they had no clothes.
I'm not gonna go into great detail.
I feel filthy.

"DO YOU REMEMBER NOW TRAVIS!??? These filthy, horrid things about your own father! Take your sweater off Travis."

My cuts, holy fuck my cuts, this needs to end, just as I thought that. It started to go dark and I heard ringing in my ears, I felt a gush of wind.
Is this what dying feels like.?

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