Hel-....help m-me..ple..ase

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It's so quiet..so sad, I hate it. It's cold. Im so cold. It hurts, ah fuck it hurts everywhere. Fuck my fucking life. Am I dead..? I can still hear everything.

Drip, Drip, Drip.

Splat, Spalt, Splat.


I See light again. Am I Waking up..? What's happening...?

My eyes creak open. Im in a pool of blood in the basement, I can feel my own fucking teeth at the back of my fucking fucked up throat. I bring myself to try and get up..I fall..I try again...I fall again...I give up. My phone's still in my pocket. Should I? Can I even talk? I don't wanna bother him.
I think about it for a bit.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

"yellow! I uh i mea- what's up Trav!?" 
The buzz of the telephone slowly drifts me back to reality.


"Travis. What's wrong? What's happening? What happend!?"

"Hel-......Help m-me..ple-ase."

"Travis I'll be there in 2."




"Larry start the fucking car, I don't give to fucks if your stoned!"
I Yell at Larry knowing he's going to ask questions sooner or later.

"Woahwoahwoah, ok Sal but first can you tell me what's happening!?"

"Larry- we don't have any FUCKING Time for this shit!"

We both slip on our shoes as fast as we can and bolt out of Larry's apartment.

"Where to?"

"Larry- just go straight to Travis' house and bust down the god damn door!"

Larry went silent and speeded to Travis' home. If that's what you can call it.
As soon as we pull up Larry unlocks both our door and we sprint, putting all our body weight on the door. Not even knocking. My mind went blank. I knew something was wrong. I didn't even check if Kenneth's car was in the driveway.
At last, the door falls as does we.
"TRAVIS! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I yell, scream, shout.

We frantically run around the house. Shouting his name. Im so fucking scared even after all the bad things he's done. He's so fucking special to me.

It's like a light bulb went off in my head.

The basement.

Please be fucking down here, please...please.

I dash down the old creeky staircase, Larry screams my name and as I reach the bottom of the house.
I stand there horrified of what I see. I feel like fucking gagging.
Travis is lying on the concrete floor, a knife logged and still visible in his low rising chest.


I run and drop to my knees beside Travis
I hear Larry's Loud footsteps gradually getting louder.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I keep chanting, cradling Travis in my arms. He's so cold. Warm tears stream down my face and land on his blooded chest, the knife bulging out.
Fresh blood still soaks down into his trousers.

We finally start to hear sirens in the distance and then we hear people enter the house.

To be honest I'm surprised Larry even drove me here and now he's actually helping me get help for Trav.
I couldn't ask for a better brother.

As we watch Travis get carried out in a stretcher I cling on to Larry and sob.
"Sal....he'll be fine, he'll be fine, I promise you he'll be fine. Ok...?"



Even after all the shit he put Sal and I through, Sal still helps him. Saves his life, if Travis acts like nothing happens after this, I'll kick his ass so much worse than this.
To be honest. I still have no idea what the fuck is going on but I know that Travis has been put through hell and back multiple times.

He doesn't have anyone to go to, I'm pretty sure of that anyway. I think his dads an asshole, where even is his dad?



"Ye- yeah L-Larry.....?" He sniffles and snuggles into be even more.

"Was...." I think if I should proceed any further, "was..it his dad who did this to him...?"

Sal stays silent for a minute or two.
".....it's not my place to tell you Larry, but, in this situation I sorta have to explain myself....yes...yes it was his dad.."

Holy fuck knuckles I knew it.

We both turn to look at the ambulance as we see it's lights flick on and and drift off into the distance. About 4 police cars still at the residents investigating things.
A police officer walks up to us.

"Ahem...hello boys, it appears to me that you found the boy. Am I correct? Or mistaken?"

"Yes sir."

"May I ask how you found him?"

Sal speaks up, "the boy who is named Travis Phelps sir, he is my friend. He phoned me not to long ago, he asked for help and I knew something was wrong so we raced over here as fast as we could and sorta we'll uhm...knocked down the door since it was locked, we looked everywhere for him until I realised the only place we didn't check was the basement and..I don't know, I guess, there he was..."

The cop writes it all down on a small notepad.

"Thank you young boys, you've saved your friend over there. If you don't mind, could we bring you down to the station for questioning reasons and then you can go see your friend..?"

"Of course officer" we sync.

( Sal and Larry knew where Travis' house was because they pass it going to school and often see Travis :> )
Sorry this is a bit shorter than other chapters :(
Ive been really busy this week with school and stuff and my mental health has sorta been going down hill and I haven't told anyone except u guys lol- 😀
I'm gonna do some work on my other book sooooo yeah, uhh, I'll get to work on both of these when I can and remember to look after yourselves!

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