Fuck up

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I believe neither one of us was innocent
Her cold skin against the concrete
My heart splattered on the brick wall
We bled onto the ground
When we passed out we were happy
The blood stained wreck somehow dissolved

Everything hurt
You said to me through a stolen voice
Our bodies merged into one
Our minds nothing but a drunken blur
Silence until the end of the night
The bottom of the bottle, the end of the blunt

The next hungover morning I said I loved you
We kissed with foggy eyes
The floor tasted bitter
All I remember was the blood
The smell of metal and smoke
I remember starting fires

She isn't evil
They all said looking at me
As if I had just broke a heart
She's an addict
I breathed in her cigarettes
I know she is

Cupid had it out for us
He despised our connection
But he stabbed us with
Heart shaped barbed wire anyway
Because it's better to never love at all
Than love and lose

I know you think I loved it
The look on your face
Getting my way in the end
regardless of you, of anyone

But know that I suffered
In my own ring of hell
Know that I spent so many nights

Curled in a ball, sobbing
Clutching a bloodstained picture of you
Ripped at the edges when you broke my hand
Shards of glass sticking out of my neck
You always went for the jugular

So I'll let you have what you want
Until it stops being fun
Then I'll sip my drink
And sit alone
And wonder why I ever loved you

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