Can I meet her? ✯

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Alastor was standing in the entrance of the hotel, Humming quietly to himself an old tune.

Since they had proved that sinners could be redeemed, and the hotel didn't look like it was built by a drunk engineer anymore, They had actually been getting a few customers who attempted to redeem themselves. They had two people accepted into heaven already, Sir Pentious and another demon named Lily.

Lucifer and Alastor had actually gotten along pretty well now that they had established that Charlie loved them equally. Or maybe she just said that because she could see that the two men would fight over her like the last piece of pizza.

So Lucifer started to get to know Alastor a lot better, As well as Alastor started to get to know Lucifer better.

The others at the hotel started to joke about them secretly dating, Since they both stayed up far past everyone else and spent a lot of time together.

So much that one day, Lucifer had asked Alastor out on a date.

Alastor was a bit hesitant at first but seemed to warm up to the idea when Lucifer offered to take him to a place where they served other demons.

Since that day, Alastor and Lucifer had become a sort of couple.. They had both agreed that they wouldn't have any sexual activities since Alastor was Asexual and honestly, just wasn't comfortable with the idea of sex itself. But Lucifer was fine with that and assured Alastor that he could live without it.

So Alastor stood alone near the door, Welcoming guests in and checking them into the hotel.

When he felt a hand on his back, He almost jumped out of his fur, He grabbed the hand almost immediately and attempted to twist it.

"Hey hey hey, Antlers! It's me!" The Short Demon King said, Pulling his hands away and raising them in surrender.

Alastor's eyes soften slightly and he glanced over at Lucifer, Turning away from him.

"What did you need, Luci?" Alastor asked firmly.

"Are these pictures of you and your mother?" Lucifer showed some pictures of Alastor and his mother as humans, Alastor looked to be only five when the photos were taken.

"Where did you get those?" Alastor's eyes widen, grabbing the photo and holding them up to his eyes, Hands shaking a bit.

"In a journal. I found them in your roo-"

"And who exactly gave you permission to be in my room without adult supervision?" Alastor's static hissed, Flying off of his body.

"I'm an adult, I was watching myself." Lucifer shrugged, "Also I am the king of hell. So.. Technically, Your room is my room."

Alastor gave him a sharp glare before stuffing the photos into his pocket. He remembered his mother so clearly..

Her beautiful smile, Her cheery attitude, The way her food smelt when it was freshly made, The song his mother would sing to him when he was hurt...

The taste of her heart.

Alastor shot out of his trance, Looking away from The King of Hell.


Alastor hated that memory, He hated that thought. Hated that his own mother's heart was the reason he became a cannibal.

Lucifer looked at Alastor in regret.

"Hey.. Al, I didn't mean to.. To intrude or anything. I lost my jacket from the last time we had watched one of those crappy films that you liked." Lucifer shrugged, Not really sure how to apologize to Alastor.

Alastor nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's fine, Lucifer. You knew no better." Alastor says quietly.

Lucifer nodded, Looking down.

"So. Is she down here or up there?" He pointed up and down.

"I'm afraid I haven't the faintest idea. I never tried searching for her. I was afraid she might hate me for who I have become." Alastor explained, His grin still wide but faded ever so slightly.

"Ah. Well, She could still be down here." Lucifer shrugged, Then realized what he was saying, saying that Alastor's mother was a bad person, "I didn't mean she was a bad person, I'm just saying-"

"I understand what you meant." Alastor said firmly before glancing over at Lucifer, "Thank you. For the reassurance, I mean."

Lucifer nodded, "So, I'm guessing you were a Mama's boy."

Alastor's head shot up, "What does that mean, Exactly?"

Lucifer blinked like a cartoon when they were astonished, "Like.. Like you really were attached to your mom."

"Well.. Yes, Of course. I loved my mother, What type of son would I be if I didn't?" Alastor asked, A bit offended, "Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"I'm just saying, You seem like the kid to really hate leaving your Mom."

"Of course I hated leaving my mother, I loved her!" Alastor snapped.

Lucifer raised a brow.

"...So, A mama's boy?"

"Yes, I suppose I was a Mama's boy but forgive me for loving my mother!" Alastor snapped at The red eyed king.

Lucifer snickered.

"Mama's boy." He muttered.

Alastor glared at him, "Fuck you."

Lucifer rolled his eyes.

He remembered the pictures in Alastor's pocket, Suddenly getting a very strong urge.

".. Could I meet her?"

"Meet who, Darling?" Alastor glanced over at Lucifer.

"Your Mother. Could I meet her?" Lucifer asked, Watching Alastor hesitate.

"If.. If you could find her, I would. But I will never believe she's.." He looked around, "Down here."


Lucifer nodded.

He needed to find her.

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