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Human AU 

Lucifer had some serious problems.
That was pretty clear to everyone he worked with, Even his Ex-Wife would point it out. But, He thought they were all being dramatic and that he could work it out on his own.

That was.. Until his daughter stepped in.

The two are eating dinner peacefully, Lucifer is making a few jokes about work and how everyone there can't tell the difference between a Fruit and a dildo, When Charlie finally butted in.

"And the idiots seriously decided to tell me about how they shoved a carrot all the way up their-"

"Dad, We need to talk!"

When Charlie interrupted him, He snapped his head up away from his baby carrots. Which Charlie also had, But was too disgusted to eat now.

"Yes, Honey?"

Lucifer asked, Confused what the problem was. He knew Charlie already knew about all this stuff from school and other shit, So he wasn't sure what was bothering Charlie.

"Dad.. I think you need therapy."

She said this gently, But it felt like Charlie had just stabbed him with a spear, He just stared at her for a few seconds.

"Excuse me?"

Lucifer asked, A blonde streak falling over his blue eyes. Charlie looked at her dad with a frown.

"Dad, Ever since you and mom got together it took a total hit to your mental health. I don't think you can carry on being the big boss at your company without getting some help."

Charlie explained, Trying to reason with him. She knew her dad would never yell or hurt her for any reason, She just had to make sure he didn't-

Lucifer got up and walked out of the room, Leaving Charlie alone at the table. Charlie sighed in annoyance.

Do that.

Lucifer walked up to his room, He wasn't exactly sure what he felt. Annoyance? Sadness? Anger?
Perhaps Therapy might be a good idea.

He let out a quiet hum.

As he got into his bed, He kept thinking of the plan. He hated telling anyone expect for his daughter anything about him, But if it was for her.. 

Lucifer bit his lip.


He clapped his hands and the lights went out, As he turned onto his side, He couldn't stop thinking about it.


The next day, Lucifer decided to start hunting for a therapist. He didn't really understand why they costed so much.. I mean, He had the money to afford it. But why so expensive?

This is why so many people in America  have shitty ass mental health.. 

He thought to himself.

In an hour or two of searching, He found the best guy on the market. He set off, Trying to find him.

He soon came across a white office, He looked up at the sign.


"Well, That makes it clear.."

He muttered to himself, Starting to walk in. He was pretty early, So he hoped there would be an appointment available.. Maybe he should've made one.

He walked in to see a bored looking red head, She had hair covering her left eye and was trying to kill a bug with a pair of scissors.

Lucifer hesitately walked up to the receptionist and laughed nervously, Smiling down at the small woman.

Alastor x Lucifer One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now