✡︎ A Boy I Once Knew.. ✡︎

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Alastor was walking through the halls, Humming a quiet melody that had been playing on the radio a few minutes ago, His cane crashing against the soft carpet every few seconds as his hard boots clank on the floor.

He feels someone shove into his shoulder, Making his past cuts sting. He let's out a hiss;

"Watch it!" Lucifer's voice was heard.

Alastor's head snapped around, He glared at the blonde man.

Until suddenly, The face looked familiar. The rosy cheeks and glaring red eyes, reminding him of someone he'd met long before this century. He paused, Eyes softening and smile faltering ever so slightly, A pained grin.

"Watch where you're going, Al!" Lucifer says sarcastically. He'd picked that up from when Angel did it constantly, Annoying Alastor.

Alastor doesn't respond.




His head shoots up, He feels the grass under his small black boots. How did he get here?
He sees the face of his old friend, Giggling and picking apples from the tree as he holds them up.
"Try not to drop me, Al!"
Alastor's eyes widen.
He can't control what he says next.
"I am holding you, Luci!"
The blonde boy's hair is brushed out of his eyes as he huffs and pouts as Lucifer does from time to time.

Alastor feels the flash back start to fade away into another memory of his.

When Luci saw the bruise that his father had left, which Alastor had tried desperately not to let Luci find.
"That cow!"
"Luci, it is fine!" Alastor shooes the smaller boy away. They're both fourteen now, Different from when they first met when they were eight.
Alastor has an annoyed look on his face as Luci puts bandages on his arm.
"One day, That man will get what is coming to him." Lucifer muttered as he bandaged the bruise.
".. I suppose." Alastor mumbled. He put his hand on Luci's head and caressed it, He'd found that the blonde boy seemed to calm down when Alastor did this, "Silly blonde." He muttered, caressing the blonde locks and signing.
Luci pulled his head up and gave Alastor a big grin, His teeth sharp. His hair turning messy under Alastor's hands.

One day, When they were both seventeen.. Luci and Alastor were down by the river. Luci was throwing stones into the water and watching them skip. Alastor was leaning against one of the trees which surrounded it.
"My Mother said that it is strange I find no interest in girls." Alastor sighs.
Luci shrugged, "Maybe girls are not your cup of tea."
Alastor takes a bit of offence to that, "Of course girls are my cup of tea!"
He's not even sure why boys his age talk about girls so much. How they'd make good wives.. Why should he have a wife? There's nothing a wife could do he couldn't himself! His mother had taught him to cook and to clean.. He needed no woman!
"Maybe you are frightened to talk to girls."
"Why would I be scared?"
"Because you have never kissed anyone."
Alastor seems to get uncomfortable, His father often referred to him as 'broken' because he hadn't kissed a girl and wasn't planning to.
Luci glanced over again at Alastor.
"Wait, You really haven't-"
Alastor cuts him off, "No! I do not see the point! I do not know where a girl's lips have been! She could be kissing the mud!"
Lucifer chuckled, "Scardy cat."
"I am not scared!"
"Are too!"
Luci and Alastor got close, Getting in the other's face.
"I am not!"
"Are too!"
"I am not!"
"You.. Are.."
Their lips were close.
Alastor pressed their lips together, He didn't even know why he did it!
He felt Lucifer add pressure to the kiss.
He returned the favor by adding his tongue, He cupped Luci's face.
They pull away and Alastor looks into Luci's eyes.

"Luci, I-"

He feels Luci push away from him and run off, Leaving Alastor by the lake.



Alastor's head shoots up.

Lucifer is looking at him weird, Raising a brow.

"Jesus, What the fuck is wrong with-"

Alastor lunged on him, His fists bared. He's glaring and yelling in his face.

"You bastard! You left me there all alone!" Alastor yelled in his face, Lucifer made a grunt as his back hit the floor, Struggling.

"What?! Get off!" Lucifer yelled back.

Charlie and Angel Dust heard the ruckus then ran in, The two looking down at Alastor trying to strangle Lucifer.

"Dad!" Charlie yells to Lucifer, Making Lucifer grunt out as he struggles to fight Alastor's hands on his throat.

"Al, What the fuck! Get off of him!" Angel Dust yelled, He grabbed Alastor's arms. Charlie grabbed Alastor's arms with Angel Dust, Who sprouted more arms just to help pull him off the short king.

When Lucifer was finally released, Alastor didn't stop yelling.

"How dare you! I trusted you! I trusted you with my love and you shattered it!" Alastor yelled.

That made Charlie and Angel freeze.

"I trusted you, Luci!!"

Lucifer's eyes widened, He shook.

"A-al, I didn't know you-"

"You knew what you did, You coward!!" Alastor screamed in his face, Eyes glowing green.

Charlie pulled Alastor to look at him.

"Al! It's us! Calm down!" She said sternly, Trying not to yell and freak him out more.

Alastor panted and looked at Charlie.

He gulped.

He simply turned away, Grabbing his cane with shaky hands.

Lucifer was on the ground, Neck bruised. He was so shocked at what had just happened that he didn't even try and fight back that much. And he didn't regret it. The only thing he regretted?

Leaving Alastor alone that day.

"What did you do?" Charlie's voice was dangerous.

"I.. I.." Lucifer looked at Charlie with a trembling voice, "Something I really regret." He whispered.

Lucifer felt their lips pull apart, Looking up into Alastor's beautiful brown eyes. He smiled softly.
Then realized what he just did.
He kissed this man.
The man who could go to heaven.
He'd doomed the only human who ever accepted him.
He pushed away and looked into Alastor's hurt, chocolate eyes.
He took the coward's way.
And ran.
His black boots hitting the floor, Running into the forest as he heard Alastor's voice for the last time.
He shot through the portal, Taking his normal demon form. He was shot into his room which had a few ducks laying around.
He held the floor.
"Lucifer.." He whispered to himself, "What did you just do..?"

He grips the floor.

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