Deal with The Radio Demon ✯

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Lucifer sat down next to Alastor at the bar, He wasn't in his normal, Nervous looking form. He looked like he was ready to do business.

He looked at Husk, Who glanced at the two and huffed, Then walked off somewhere.

Alastor raised a brow at Lucifer.

"I want to make a deal." Lucifer said, Not bothering to beat around the bush.

Alastor swirled his whiskey in his cup.

"And that would be?" He asked, The radio being clear in his voice and making Lucifer pause. Thinking to himself.

"I would like you to protect Charlie and this hotel at all costs. Even for your own life." He said firmly.

"And why, Do tell, Would I do that?" Alastor raised a brow, Grinning.

"Because.. Because in return you may have as much of my blood as possible."

Alastor paused.

He looked at Lucifer.

"I know you've been dying to try angel blood." He hissed to the Radio Demon.

".. Indeed I have." The Radio demon hummed, He looked down at his cane. Then at his gloved hand. This deal could cost him his life. Imagine that. The great Radio Demon..

Over throwing Overlords just overnight..

Died by protecting a hotel and the Princess of Hell..

How laughable.

Lucifer waves his hand in front of Alastor's face to get his attention.

He had pricked his finger to show glowing Golden blood, Basically making the cannibal's mouth water while looking at it. He had heard many things from other cannibals about how Angel Blood tasted, But he had never got to experience it.

He looked at Lucifer.

".. So. It's a deal?" Lucifer asked, His red eyes seeping into Alastor's own, Hand a bit shaky as he thought this over again and again.

Charlie was vulnerable. She could be attacked by any type of demon and most likely, She would not fight back. Even worse, If the Exterminators came back, She was toast.

He looked at Alastor.

"It is a deal.." He put his hand with Lucifer's, "My Lord.."

Their hands squeezed tight together in the handshake, Both over thinking this deeply. The blood which courses through Lucifer's body was very valuable and Alastor was a powerful overlord.. But if another who held as much power as him, Challenged the hotel, He could die.

Alastor didn't back out on promises.

He wouldn't back out on deals.

Especially if it was not for The King of Hell's blood.

He could almost imagine the golden liquid..

He quickly grabbed Lucifer's arm and yanked him towards him, He smirked and whispered in Lucifer's ear.

"Brace yourself.. My King.." He whispered, His static making Lucifer shudder.

His teeth quickly broke the skin on Lucifer's forearm, Making him yell out in surprise. He tried to pull away but Alastor deepened the bite.

When he pulled away, The King looked flustered and annoyed. He shoves the Demon away.

"Give a guy a warning!" He yelled, Eyes burning red.

Alastor gave him a soft shrug.

Lucifer grunted.

When it dawned on him..

The King of Hell was now to serve an Overlord.

How stupid was he?

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