Bad news

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I woke up to see that Niall was already up. I also smelled something good. As I got out of bed and got changed into a pink Aeropostale shirt and a pair of blue old Navy shorts, I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth an put my hair into a messy bun. The I walked down the hall to see Niall and all the kids making pancakes.

"Something smells good." I say

"And your just in time." Niall says as he hands me 5 plates.

Then we ate are pancakes and got the kids dresses. Then the phone rang, I herd Niall pick it up.


"Hello this is the Tompsons."

"Hello I am calling from the Toronto hospital, to tell you that John Tompson passed away last night." The lady on the other side of the phone said.

"Oh, okay thank you for calling."

"I am sorry for your loss." She said

I hung up the phone and ran into Shawn's room where Maggie was.

"Maggie can you come here." I asked

"Yeah in a minute." She called back

"Niall what is it." Maggie asked.

"Come with me." I said grabbing he hand and walked into the room we were sharing.

"Niall what is wrong." She asked again

"Maggie, John died last night." I said

"What, did they say why?" She asked


"No they didn't tell me." He said

"How are we going to tell the kids?" I asked her

"I got a plan." She said "bring them to the living room when there done changing."

"Okay." I said

5 minutes later 3 kids came walking into the living room, I following them.


"Sit down on the couch guys, we have to tell you something." I said

The kids sat on the couch and Niall and I say on the love-seat together.

"We have to tell you some thing important and it's okay if you start to cry." I said

"This morning." Niall said "A lady from the hospital where your dad is called."

"She told us that last night your dad had passed away." I said.

Olivia started to cry and I walked over to her and started to rub her back.

"But they are still looking for your mom." Niall said

"When will mommy come home." Shawn asked

"We don't know when," Niall said "but I'm sure really soon."

Then my phone started to ring it was my uncle Troy.

"I have to take this." I said looking at Niall.

"Okay." He said

"Hi uncle Troy." I said into the phone

"Hi Maggie, did you hear, John passed away last night." He said

"Yeah, we did we just told the kids." I said

"Oh okay I won't hold you up then." He said

"By uncle Troy." I said

"By maggie." He said

I walked back into the living room to see that the kids and Niall were watching a movie. I sat down beside Niall and asked him what movie we were watching."

"Shrek, shhh it's about to start."

Then I leaned my head on his chest and watched the movie until I heard crying coming from Chloe's room.

"I'll get her." Niall said.

"Okay thank you." I said. I could see that he had been holding in his tears.

He came back 5 minutes later with Chloe in his arms.

"I'm back." He said

"Shhh it's at a good part." I told him as he sat back down in the couch

"Sorry." He whispered into my eat. I ignored him a leaned my head back on his chest. We watched movies till some one said that they were hungry so I got up and made grilled cheese just like I said I would. Then I carried 8 grilled cheeses out and set them on the table. Of corse I made extra because I knew that Niall would eat a lot. By the end each kid had one sandwich I had two and Niall had three and a bite of mine. Then we watched movies till supper where we decided to have sausages on a bun.

"Thanks Maggie." Niall said as I passed him his sausage.

"No problem fatty." I said

"That's not nice, I think I'm going to cry." He pouted

"Oh I'm sorry baby niall." I said

"Hahaha" we heard all the kids laughter.

"Okay guy's time for bed." I said after I had cleared the table.

"Okay." I heard them all say.

" Night Olivia, I'll see you in the morning, sleep tight." I said to Olivia

"Night Maggie" she said.

Then we finished putting the kids to bed, Niall and I went to bed.

"Night Niall." I said

"Night maggie." He said....

.......5 minutes later,

"Maggie can I ask you a question." Niall said

"Sure Niall what is it." I said

"I want you to tell me what you think of me, you don't have to be nice.' He said.

"Why." I asked

"Just do it please." He said

"We'll I think you are funny, great with kids, um cute, sing well and um ticklish." I said answering his question.

"Thank you." he said.

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