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The next week we spent most of the time packing. I think we filled about 4 or 5 big U-HALL'S. That's a lot of stuff.

Finally moving day. We had drove to the closest airport hotel yesterday, I had a nard time saying good bye to all my friends and family. We would come back for Christmas but that was still 5 months away. It's a good thing my dad made a Skype a count. I would miss him most of all.

"Plane boarding to London England first class passengers may start entering." That was us.

"Bye dad ill miss you." I said

"Call me when you land." He said

"Okay I will miss you." I said "lets go." We grabbed ate carry ons and boarded the plain. The 10 of us took up most of the first class section.

I sat down on the plain buckling in Olivia and Chloe. Then I took out my phone. One text, from my dad. 'Miss you already. :( I love you<3.' I texted him back a picture of all of us. He sent back 'I will miss my baby girl.'

"Could everyone turn there phones and electronics off." The lady on speaker said. I switch my phone off and looked at the girls.

"Ready." I said

"I guess." Olivia said

4 hours later we landed all the kids were sound asleep.

"Liam Shawn time to get up." Niall said "we've landed."

"Okay." Liam said

"Niall can you carry Olivia?" I said "sure." Niall said

We got are carry on's and walked off. I had Niall's bag on my shoulder, but I didn't mind. We got off the plain and screaming fans yelling. "Niall what's with the sudden family" new reporters were yelling

"Sorry but I'm not commenting on my personal life." Niall said holding my hand we rushed or of the airport, we all pulled into two large black vans, are luggage was already in the van.

"We're here." Niall said about half an hour later.

"Wow this is beautiful." I said

"I hope you like it. That one is ours." Niall said pointing to one if the flats that were bigger than the rest.

We walked into our new home, the movers must of moved everything into the living room.

"Wow this is huge." Liam said

"There should be a room for everyone." Niall said.

"We'll let's go pick rooms then we will start unpacking." I said


We all ran up the stairs the first room we walked into was a good size with a windows overlooking London.

"I want this room." Olivia said

"Does anyone else want this room?" I asked

"Nope." Liam and Shawn said

"Okay then this is your room Olivia!" I said "next room."

The next room was a bit smaller, with no closet and windows looking at Zayn's flat that u once shared with him.

"I want this room." Liam said

"Anyone else?" I said

No answer

"Okay this is Liam's room. Next." I said

We walked across the hall, this one had two closets and a bathroom.

"I think this is the master, I guess Niall and I take this one." Maggie said

"Next" I said

This one was was a little bit bigger than Liam's room but smaller than Olivia.

"Shawn do you want this room?" I said

"Yeah." Shawn said

"Okay this is yours and the last one will be Chloe's room." I said

We walked back to the living room and we started to open boxes.

"We have to come up with a plan." Maggie said

"True." I said

"Okay first we will sort it by room, then by person" Maggie said

"Good idea." I said

We finished sorting the boxes by room then, started by person.

"We need somewhere to sleep so how about we start setting the bedrooms up." Maggie said

"Good idea." I said grabbing the first box that said Olivia on it, then I walked up with something of Olivia's. I walked into her room with Maggie and Olivia following with some boxes.

"Okay let's see what we have." I said putting the box down and opened it, her bed. I finished putting her bed and putting it in one of the corners. Liam and Maggie carried her matriarch up. Maggie put on some nice pink sheets, with her Disney princess confuter on top then I grabbed the other boxes with Olivia'a name on it. I finished making her dresser and Maggie and Olivia started to unpack her stuff. I laid Chloe on top of Olivia's bed.

We did the same for the rest of the rooms and by the time we were done with Liam's bedroom is 11:45 and I was to tired to make on other bed so we carried the matriarch up and just fell asleep on that.

Babysitting with Niall Horan (complete)Where stories live. Discover now