Time to tell

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I woke up from a bad dream, all I could think of was going to Maggie and Niall they would help me. I'd go to Zayn, but he had that Emma girl, and he loved to sleep. I walked down the hall and found that Maggie and Niall were asleep.

"Magie." I said

"What is it olivia." Maggie said

"I had a bad dream can I sleep with you and Niall." I said

"Sure come on in." Maggie said as Maggie picked me up and set me down in front of her and rapped her arms around me. Niall must of noticed me backside soon I had Niall's around me.

I woke up, to Maggie and Niall gone, so I got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning beautiful!" Niall said

"Morning Niall!" I said, then I noticed that everyone was already up.

"Morning everyone." I said

"Morning olivia." Lindsay said

We finished are breakfast and Maggie an I went back to my room to get changed. Today I picked a pink Barbie t-shirt with jean shorts. Maggie did my hair in a French braid. I loved my hair.


I had to tell the kids today. So when Maggie and Olivia came back.

"Can everyone come here for a minute." I said. They shortly all here.

"Okay as you know John passed away and his funereal is tomorrow and you noticed that Angle is supposed to be here but she's not, because.. Yesterday S-S-She passed away." I said

Olivia started to cry

"It's okay Olivia." Maggie said.

"But there is some good news." Maggie sad "Niall has some news and I have something for you. Niall you can go first."

"Okay my good news is that you guys get to come live with me, Maggie and the boys." I said

"Yay more Niall." Olivia said

"But that means a little bit of travel." I added "Maggie your news."

"Okay ill go get it." Maggie said


I went outside to my car and grabbed the two dog cages. I walked and Lindsay and Emma helped me carry them we put, Niall's dog beside the chair and I put the other cage on the table.

"What is that?" Liam said

"You'll see." I said

I opened the cage and grabbed the news member to our new family.

"This is Molly are new dog." I said handing the dog to Olivia, "she's a chocolate lab and Irish settler mix.

"And this one is Angle." I said handing Niall his dog "this is Niall's dog. It's a pure chocolate lab."

"Oh I love it." Niall said

"How about we take are new dogs for a walk?" Liam said

"Sure, how about we go to the beach?" I said

"Yeah." Shawn said

"Okay then go grab your swim suits." I said,

Half an hour we were ready to go. When we got to the beach every one ran. Niall and I walked to the back and grabbed the dogs and all the stuff they brought.

"I'm glad it isn't to busy." Niall said

"Yeah." I said

"Do you know any of the other people besides Emma's and Lindsay's family." Niall asked me

"Yup, that group of people are from my school and that are my cousins." I said

"Oh I see." Niall said


"Maggie!" One of the girl said

"I missed you." Maggie said running up to a blond girl that looked almost like her

"Niall come here." Maggie said

"Just a minute babe." I said

I saw the girls were talking so I walked over to where Zayn and Emma were and set the stuff down.

"I'll be right back." I said

"Okay." Emma said

I walked over to Maggie.

"Hey Niall this is my cousin Amanda and that one is Madison and Kalle. Girls this is Niall my boyfriend" Maggie said

"Hey." I said

"Hi, I am like your biggest fan can I have you picture." Kalle said

"Yup!" Niall said popping the P out

I took the picture and walked back to are spot and sat down.

"I think the dogs want in the water." I said

"Wanna move closer to the water so they can?" Maggie asked

"Sure." I said as we moved forward so the dogs could play in the water.

"Thanks for the dog." I said giving Maggie a kiss

"Maggie come in with us." Louis said

"I'd have the perfect girl for louis, she loud and annoying." Maggie sai

"Haha very funny." I said taking the leash from Maggie before she ran into the lake.

"Coming!" Maggie said


Maggie came running out. Maggie got out to us and dove under the water.

"This is like my second home." Maggie said

"I can see why." I said

Then I grabbed her and set he on my shoulders.

"Don't drop me Louis!" Maggie said

"To late!" I said as I dropped her into the water

"Louis!" Maggie said coming back up from under the water

"What you said drop me Louis!" I said

"No I didn't, I said DON'T drop me." Maggie said

"Oh sorry!" I said

Then a bunch of girls swam over to us. Oh great fans.

"Hey Maggie and Louis!" One of the girls said

"Hey, Louis these are my cousins, Amanda, Madison and Kalle! Girls Louis." Maggie said

"Hey!" I said

"Maggie how do you know One Direction?" Amanda said

"Babysitting with Niall, then the boys came to see Niall." Maggie said

"Oh i see." Amanda said

"Race you in." Liam said

"Yeah." Louis said

I grabbed Liam(the kid), Liam grabbed Shawn, Maggie grabbed Olivia and Amanda grabbed Kalle, and Madison was the judge.

"Ready...... Set..... Go!" Madison yelled

We took of running. Maggie and Amanda had a plan you could tell

"Niall get out of the way." Maggie yelled.

"I'm going." Niall said before running out of the way.

"And the winner is....., Maggie and Olivia, with a close second of Amanda and Kalle then..... Come on guys, yes Louis and and Liam and yeah the losing team is Liam and Shawn." Madison said

"Ha girls won this time!" Maggie said

"This time." I said

"Okay see you in 20 girls." Maggie said

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