Starting a Journey

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Arisa sat on the tornado Aeolus made, and couldn't stop thinking about how to escape. The wind was like an invisible string, strapping her 'safely' on her 'lovely seat'. She even tried to trick the horse into untying her, but it seems to have no visible affection, maybe some affections on the inside.

"Hey little horsey, do you know how to speak?" Arisa asked the wind horse that's beside her, since she couldn't see any emotions after she tricked the horse.

The horse snorted, only.

"Oh, I'm sure you do, you're just like Aeolus, arrogant, idiotic...wait, you're not arrogant, maybe only idiotic. " Arisa told herself. "I wish I'd known how long it would take to get to the Bermuda Triangle. I'm starting to feel bored with nobody to talk to. I think I'll just try if I could do a..."

Before Arisa could finish her sentence, an arrow shot through the small whirlwind she sat on, sending her and her horse into the big Pacific Ocean.

"Horsey, a little help here?!" Arisa called out, when she had only left a few centimeters in falling inside the sea.

The horse grunted in disappointment but still flew over and saved Arisa.

​"You did such a great job horsey! I didn't even know you could run on the sea! I promise to give you a name and teach you how to speak after we deal with the arrow person! Also, I'll never, ever say you are an idiot, I am truly sorry!" Arisa patted her horse, which snorted again, but rather happier than before. Arisa smiled, then put on a serious face and looked at a high mountain on an island near them. She had a strange feeling that the person shooting them was on the mountain.

"Let's go to that mountain, horsey!" She pointed to the place where she had the feeling.

With a big leap, Arisa and her horse were on the island in just a second. Arisa looked up above her head to the mountain, and immediately saw a 'little dot' running to the side where Arisa couldn't see.

"Follow that!" Arisa pointed to the place where the 'dot' had gone.

Arisa's horse ran up the mountain straight like a high speed rail, but faster than that. As a result, they were on top of it in only one minute.

"Come out, I know that you're in this forest!" Arisa shouted out to the forest in the distance.

Arisa gazed at the forest, trying to concentrate. Suddenly, another arrow shot towards Arisa again. She jumped for her dear life, as her horse ducked down below.

"Hey! Whoever you are, just come out now, stop ambushing us! Are you a coward?"

But the answer she got was another shot of an arrow.

"Well, that's my last time talking nice to you," she said to the woods as she grabbed her blade. Even though she's ninety-nine percent sure she would die in the hands of this person, she still walked resolutely into the woods, wishing fates to give her a chance of reborn. 

Arisa LeFaire and the Bermuda TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now