An Orphan

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A/N: BONUS CHAPTER for the late update!

Amelia was an orphan, abandoned on an inhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. Even though she had been regarded as trash by her parents and left her on the island on purpose when she was only seven years old, she knew how to shoot, and make arrows really well. The skill had been very important for her survival.

There wasn't anything on the island to eat, but there were always some birds flying across. So, she used some twigs to make the body of the bow and arrows, and twisted leaves to connect them. With 'bows' and 'arrows', she can shoot down some birds in the sky, and eat them uncooked.

Amelia's life was pretty 'peaceful' until five years ago, when she was ten, an unwelcome visitor came to her island.

"Who are you?" Amelia demanded, then grabbed her bow and arrow beside her, and stood up to the 'visitor'.

"With only ducks to eat, twigs to shoot. Ah, how miserable!' The visitor told her with a cold smile on her face. "Hello, I'm Bianca Fershell, the captain of the seventh team in the International Terrorist Organization."

When Bianca saw Amelia's eyes full of fear, she continued, " also, don't be too astonished about how I know about your life, we have spies everywhere, even in this dear little island."

With a cold laugh, Bianca started again. "I have seen your potential, be my apprentice now, follow my rules, and may you live."

The years later, Amelia worked for Bianca, and learned how to shoot arrows with her, but lived in fear. However, Amelia can't stand any more for Bianca, she took an oath to herself : If someone ever came to this island, even if the person is made of a puddle of poop, I'd rather go with it.

Two days after Amelia promised to herself, the miracle happened, Arisa was flying through the island.

"Master," Amelia called out to Bianca when she saw Arisa on the horizon. "I see a person over there, should I shoot her down?" She lied. 

"Oh, great." Bianca said, when she lay on a lounge chair on the sand,"you finally learned what I told you, go. But remember, if you try to get out of this island, my spies will finish you."

Amelia knew what she had to do, she had planned it when Bianca first found her, and she was sure her plan was absolute perfect. Not a single flaw would be spotted...right?

A/N: Next update will be a week later!

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