The Plane

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A/N: This is my second story! And you know, I think Wattpad might kill me cause I'm only 11 and I'm using it, haha. And well, I'm not from a Chinese speaking country, so...there might be some grammar and spelling errors! Please vote and comment! Sorry that the horse looks real, AI doesn't listen to me!!😭😭 

It was impossible to tell what really woke her up. It may have been her phone alarm, or the wing of the airplane ripping off, creating a vast gaping hole through which the air in the cabin escaped rapidly, pulling her curly black hair straight. Perhaps the rush of magazine pages slapping their way past her nose, as they rushed into the freezing air.

Arisa heard machines clinging and clanging against eachother. She heard people screaming.

Then, "BOOM!".

The airplane she had been safely strapped into was now broken into pieces, and she was dropping, head-first, toward the ground. Scenes of her life flew past her. She saw herself in a crib, chewing her thumb, then when she went to kindergarten with Livia, her best friend. The food fight in fourth grade, when a plate full of fruit was smashed onto her face. The faces of her parents and relatives appeared beneath her eyelids, as she closed them ever tighter. She regretted having run away from home. If she was to have a second life, she would probably come back to her homeland.

"AHHHHHHHH!"she screamed out loud.

Of course she tried to fly like a bird, called for help, cutting her dress into a parachute...but none of them worked. She looked down at the glowing lights below her eyes, growing bigger and bigger each second, like a super strong lightning storm was about to inhale her inside. She suddenly remembered something her teacher taught her in a survival lesson.

"What could I do if I fall from an airplane?"Arisa asked her teacher during break time after she taught her Juliane Koepcke, the girl who survived from a falling airplane in the Amazon Forest.

"Okay, let's be honest. If the city doesn't have any pool big enough to bear your impact, or snow that's thick enough, I'm one-hundred percent sure that you would be dead." but when the teacher saw Arisa was about to cry, she speedily kept on. "Don't worry Arisa, there's only one way you may survive if the city doesn't have the two important things I told you. Pray and promise."


"I shouldn't have told you that Arisa, forget what I just said. My silly grandmother taught me that when I was four!" She turned her head right back to the whole class again. "Okay class, now, get your backpack and..."

The voice of her teacher trailed up as she remembered the words she just needed, pray and promise.

She thought for a second, then yelled to the whole world with her hands clenched together whenever she prayed, "All gods and goddess, I promise to all of you, to never pick the lock on my mother's bag and steal her money!" So now I can steal others! Arisa thought.

Nothing happened.

She thought for a second, then yelled to the whole world again, "All gods and goddesses, I promise to all of you, to never steal the food in our city!" Since I may not be in this city, other city's food would be great too! Arisa smirked.

Nothing happened.

She kept doing the same thing until she realized she was almost touching the ground, then cried at the volume of 10000000000 dB. "Anyone, even Hades, I'll do anything for you! Just save me now!"

Suddenly, she stopped. Not actually just stopped in a sudden, it only felt like she was flying free, not falling to death. It worked! She screamed in her mind.

A/N: Like every story, I'll update once a week, and if I can't, I'll give a bonus chapter or just tell you I can't. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!(Which god or goddess will Arisa meet?)

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