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Chapter 1

In a staircase classroom in Building B of the university, the teacher on the podium was giving an enthusiastic lecture for an elective course in the second semester of the sophomore year. Song Anan was absent-mindedly propping her chin with one hand, gazing out at the sky through the window.

Li Sirui, who was sitting next to her, noticed Song Anan's distraction from the corner of her eye and couldn't help but mutter, "Huh." It was rare to see the bookish Song Anan daydreaming in class.

Just as Li Sirui was about to say something, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. The teacher on the podium was efficient and didn't drag on.

As the students packed up their things, they chattered in groups of three or five and headed towards the cafeteria. Li Sirui was pulled aside by a classmate to discuss something, but when she turned back around, she saw that Song Anan was still gazing out the window in a daze, apparently unaware that class had ended.

This surprised Li Sirui even more. She raised her hand and poked Song Anan's arm. "Anan, what are you thinking about? You're so focused."

Song Anan turned her head and let out a confused "Ah." She looked around at her classmates with her long eyelashes fluttering and her bright starry eyes glistening. "Oh, class is over," she said softly, trailing off at the end.

Li Sirui couldn't help but cover her chest in surprise. She had once again been struck by Song Anan's cuteness. Although they had been classmates and roommates for two years, she still had no resistance to Song Anan's face.

When they first started university, Song Anan, who had just turned fifteen, had caused quite a stir among their classmates. It wasn't uncommon at a top-tier Chinese university like B University to have students who were several years younger than their peers, but what stood out about Song Anan was that she was so pretty.

Despite her young age, she had a delicate and lively face, with a small melon-seed-shaped face, big almond-shaped eyes, delicate features, and skin as smooth as a peeled egg. When she smiled, she had two shallow dimples that were both beautiful and harmless.

In addition to her innocent and cute nature, Song Anan also had a somewhat old-fashioned personality that made people want to protect her. Her roommates and classmates, who were all beautiful young women, had become like mothers to her, worrying about her constantly and trying to shield her from harm.

"Anan, why do people just love you so much?" Li Sirui sighed in amazement.

She couldn't help but tease Song Anan, who furrowed her brow and protested seriously, "Sirui, I'm not that young anymore." She had just turned seventeen last month, after all.

But for some reason, everyone always treated her like a child, which was a source of frustration for Song Anan. Li Sirui, who liked to tease her, tried to soothe her by saying, "That's right, you're not young, you'll be an adult next year."

Song Anan: "..."

She gave up and decided to let it go.

This was the last class of the morning, and the cafeteria was crowded with people. Li Sirui and Song Anan decided to head back to their dormitory first and wait until the crowd thinned out before going to eat.

On the way back to the dormitory, Li Sirui suddenly remembered that Song Anan seemed distracted during class and asked, "Anan, are you okay? You seem a bit off today."

Song Anan paused and shook her head, "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night."

Li Sirui nodded and didn't pay too much attention, "Well, make sure to rest during lunch then."

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