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"Did you summon me?" I say walking into his wing. "My...Lord,"

Then I stopped talking all together,

Because I feared that the only thing that might come out was vomit,

My eyes widen as I froze, standing in the presence of the devil himself.

The overwhelming smell of flesh,

"My little daylight" Ryomen Sukuna chimes, turning his head ever so slightly to meet my gaze.

Maroon eyes under the most stunning smile.

Licking the blood from his fingers,

He was crouched over,

His foot on a man chest,

"Do you know this man?" He asks me, watching my face closely.

Looking for any deception.

I can't even glance down to see if this man is ok. Sukuna doesn't get upset easily, but he loves toying with things.

He's waiting,

For me to give him a reason,

To do the unthinkable.

My heart is pounding while the man just pleads with me.

Don't. Dae. Please just...just...

"No." I lied, keeping my voice as calm as possible and my face as detatched.

"Is that so?" Sukuna purses his lips into a dazzling smirk. The creases around his mouth dimpled inwards, making me forget that this creature infront of me wasn't a psychopath. "What a shame."

He was the most striking man I've ever laid my eyes on.

But perhaps that's how he lured his pray in....before sinking his teeth into them.

Sukuna loves to play with his food.

"Is there anything else you need my lord?" I ask keeping my eyes forward, not to dare look down at how badly beaten the man was. "Or can I dismiss myself?"

"Already?" He asks dropping one of his broad shoulder down to me. Sukuna widens his legs, laying his arms on his knees as slams his hand on the man's face turning him to face me. "Isn't she the most stunning thing you've ever seen?"

"I..." The beaten man choked,

"You don't seem particularly paralyzed." He notes.

Don't do it Dae.

Just let me go.

"Strange." Sukuna goes on as my heart continued to race.

My chest feels so tight

SKIN & BONES / RYOMEN SUKUNA Where stories live. Discover now