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————— before ————

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————— before ————

One day will not make Sukuna give up,


"Dae," he called,

Each time he would reach for me,

He would be punished.

I watched him receive hundreds of beatings,

Multiple lashings,

And all he did was sit there and say the same thing.

"I love you Daeyhun."

If my mother had it her way, she would've sent him away, ages ago but that...that I refused.

"Is it not enough that you hurt him but to go to the lengths as to exile him!?" I said harshly to my mother. "I won't speak to him. Fine. But if you do this..."

I turn to stare dead straight at her,

Same iridescent eyes,

"I will never speak to you either." I ended.

My parents raised two of the fiercest children,

And what they feared far worse was that if Sukuna was to leave, I would leave with him.

So we were all stuck in limbo,

A stalemate with me in the middle of it all.

"You need to eat," Sukuna said grabbing my wrist on a different occasions.

It's hard to look at this man,

He didn't have any bruises, scars or burn marks but I feel like I can still see them. All the blood that still stained his face.

While his eyes just stayed focused on me.

No matter the beating, he'll lift his head and stare straight at me.

Like how he's doing now.

Sukuna holds out a steam bun,

Why? Why take the time out?

When he knew of the consequences,

I hesitated for a moment,

Fiddling with my fingers,

"One bite." He pushed.

I glanced back at the house.

"She will..." I whispered.

"I don't care," he snipped quickly.

Every chance he will get,

Whether it was hours,

Or minutes.

Or mere seconds,

"I need to get back to...." I stuttered as he grabs my hands and clasps the food into are joined fingers.

SKIN & BONES / RYOMEN SUKUNA Where stories live. Discover now