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"Did you summon me?" Sukuna asked walking into my mother's study where my father stood, staring at her collection of scrolls and poems.

Staring at the memories,

"How is she?" My father voices,

"She has her good days and bad days," Sukuna answered, "but she's finally sleeping."

While my father hasn't slept at all.

"I remember when you use to hate having to share a bed with her" He chuckled, still looking at a painting of our family.

"Yes well, i've adjusted." Sukuna answered with a half grin. "It's my duty."

"Don't do that." My father clipped with annoyance. "We are family, you know better than to think you are just our dog."

"I meant...-"

"Ryomen," he said in a stern tone, turning to look into those deep maroon eyes. "Tonight you showed great strength, loyalty....you are family."

Something Sukuna hated to hear,

Yet at the same time, yearn to belong.

That perpetual cycle of duality.

"We raised you like our own," he went on. "And right now we need to look out for one another."

"Of course." Sukuna nodded.

"I was informed that you found Daeyhun in the moments where she was getting..." he couldn't even speak it.

"Yes," Sukuna nodded, "Three of his allies including Koboyashi, himself, had tried to incapacitate her first before doing any acts. I presume to blackmail us into gaining political leverage."

A scoff comes from my father who at this point felt like he wasted his time on fixing his view to the people.

Rather than being there for his family.

"To think it's come to this, our own fighting for something as trivial as a title."

A title doesn't bring back my mother,

A title didn't protect my mother,

Nor did it protect me.

Nor did it stop the abuse that Sukuna suffered.

A title was just that. Nothing but heresy.

"This point forward, our family must be more vigilant. You are to stay by Daeyhun's side at all times," my father ordered. "Any threat that you foresee, I trust that you use your..."

Then he stops to think of the demon that Sukuna has become.

"I don't care what you are now," my father said. "Demon, or an angel....If you are a blessing or a curse. If you love her, protect her."

SKIN & BONES / RYOMEN SUKUNA Where stories live. Discover now