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Takashi and Yura Uri

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Takashi and Yura Uri.

———————— before ———————

That Sunday, my parents argued for hours while Sukuna was placed in a holding cell within the temple walls. It took 6 guards to subdue him to the ground and drag him away.

He only fought back because I screamed for him. But anyone would when you witness your future husband getting beaten for a simple misunderstanding.

For an entire day, nobody would speak about the events that unfolded.

There was whispers from the house staff but when I asked nobody would tell me anything.

I had a massive bruise on my neck one that reminded me that the gentle husband I had always pictured could be much more lethal than I had ever imagined.

I stared at myself in the mirror, his hands were so big and my mind thinks about how he could've just snapped me right then and there.

If he just made one wrong move,

If he didn't come back to his senses.

But it was an accident, he's not like this.

He's not.

I'm sure of it.

Sukuna would never harm anyone.

He wouldn't hurt me.

It was just a mistake,

It was just a misunderstanding.

I can feel my eyes pool with water as I dropped my head onto my vanity and cry.

For two days he was locked in that holding cell, sitting there with his arms thrown over his knees.

Sukuna has stayed in far worse conditions so this wasn't really anything new.

All he was concerned about was me. He wondered if I'm doing ok. If I'm eating or if I'm even sleeping well.

My father tried to bargain with the head monk. Apparently the man Sukuna had assaulted was one of the founding families of this temple.

"You may have jurisdiction over your kingdom but here! Here, sir this is my kingdom! You can not reach over god's disciples!" The monk shouts while he was covered in bandages.

"If you let me speak to my son, I'm sure we can..."

"Your son is a demon! A demon!"

SKIN & BONES / RYOMEN SUKUNA Where stories live. Discover now