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I was so stupid.

To think...

He would ever let this go.

He never let Tora go,

So why did I ever think...






"Uraume." He ushers as he lays me down to sleep.

"Yes my lord?"

————— before —————

School is boring.

I can't wait until I'm married and don't have to continue mannerisms class. I let out a yawn as I think about how learning how to sit properly isn't going to help me....

Perhaps I can turn this into one of our sexual lessons?


Perhaps I'll find a way for him to punish me,

"Lady Daeyhun!" Someone calls as I stand waiting for my two maids to escort me back home.

I miss when my annoying future husband use to escort me to school. He would always take me to our waterfall spot and let me swim around for hours, or take me to the bakery to try all their new types of cakes.

But sadly I'm stuck with these old ladies.

Who only obey my mother's orders.

"Lady Daeyhun!"

I didn't even realize I was in a daze until a man puts his hands on my shoulder and I jump from the sudden touch.

It's like the first time again.

That feeling.

And it feels like...

"Oh, god Tora." I huffed out. "You scared me"

"Sorry! I didn't mean to" he laughs "I was trying to get your attention but you look distracted."

It's because I was.

"Well," I play off with a smile. "A lady must be focused and poised."

"Is that right?" He purses.

"Are you hiding from your lover again Tora?" I poke fun at.

Before I could even look over at him, he offers me a hand wrapped gift.

"For you." He tells me.

"For me?"



"I want you to have it." He presses, pushing it closer to my hands as he curls his index fingers around mine to force me to take it.

My face blushes from his touch,

And even that made me feel so.....ashamed.

"No, Tora!" I retorted. "I cant't!"

"Please! It's for saving me from the embarrassment yesterday" he explains as I slowly opened the wrapping to find a rose barrette.

Handmade and beautiful.

But it felt...wrong.

"I can't" I said more firmly. "It's much too expensive,"

And this earns a little chuckle from Tora.

"The princess of the Uri clan? All the vast luxuries, find a hair pin too much?" He pokes fun at, taking the clip from my hands and puts it into my hair. "Don't be so humble my lady."

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