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—————— before ——————

—————— before ——————

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There is a reason Sukuna hated Tora

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There is a reason Sukuna hated Tora.

A reason he didn't take any risk and just obliterated him and his entire lineage in one fell swoop.

Tora leans in close to me,

My cheeks burn because no man has ever dared step past the boundary that Sukuna has left,

Especially with him back home now.

"I'm sorry but that older woman over there," Tora said pointing to a woman who looked like she could fit the both of us in her strong grip. "Is asking me to marry her and I needed to make up something,"

I blinked for a few seconds.

Not completely understanding the entire situation until he starts to burst into laughter and stand next to me.

His hand sliding behind my back and hooking onto the other side of my hip.

"As you can see I am engaged and very much in love!" He lied as the woman just narrows her eyes at the both of us.

SKIN & BONES / RYOMEN SUKUNA Where stories live. Discover now