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Tai comes over for dinner at Cher's request. She wants to go to the party in the valley tonight.

Daddy walks into the dining room to see Tai in his seat.

Cher welcomes him. "Hi, Daddy. This is our friend Tai."

"Get out of my chair," he orders.

Our maid, Lucy, brings plates of green veggies out for us.

"Thank you, Lucy," Cher says graciously.

"It looks great," I add.

Daddy looks less than pleased. "What is this crap?"

"Daddy, it's from the "Cut Your Cholesterol" cookbook," Cher chides.

"Remember what happened the last time you were at the doctor's?" I remind. "We've gotta get you down to 200."

Cher's pager beeps.

"No calls tonight," Daddy instructs.

"But it's Dionne, it might be important," Cher complains.

Daddy puts his foot down, "We're gonna have a nice family dinner."

I take a bite of my food. Daddy might've been on to something when he called it crap.

"What did you do in school today?"

"Well," Cher starts. "I broke in my purple clogs."

"I aced my math test!" I cheer.

We're both ignored as Daddy takes a call.

While he's busy, Cher takes Dionne's call. "Aww, how cute!" she coos.

"What is it?" Tai and I ask?

"Elton has the picture I took of the two of you in his locker," Cher tells me.

Did I just have a heart palpitation?

After a few seconds, she hangs up on Dee, looks at us excitedly, and says, "We're gonna have to make a cameo at the Val party."


I wear a darling, short, black dress. The neckline and skirt hem are bordered by a white fabric, and the straps are white elastic. Cher is wearing a red satin dress that I picked out. She, Tai, and I were crowded into the backseat of Murray's car listening to the screeching sound of Dionne and Murray arguing over the map.

Cher tunes them out with conversation. "Listen, Tai, when we get there, make sure Elton sees you, but don't say hi first. Look like you're having fun and you're really popular. Talk to someone in his eyeline, preferably a guy. Make him come to you."

I thought about Cher's advice. It would be strange if I did that with Elton because I was always talking to him at parties anyway I like to stay with him and Summer while everyone socializes.

"Always have him wanting more," Cher finishes.

That wouldn't work either. Elton and I are always together. Maybe it's a good idea for me to talk to someone else. But who? Expanding my circle of friends isn't an option, Tai is the rare exception.

We waltz into the party. We're hit with the smell of weed, alcohol, and body odor. The music is raging however so I commit and follow behind Cher and Tai. We pass Amber who's wearing a maroon dress. One that looks remarkably similar to the one I bought Cher for Christmas. The same one Cher wore yesterday.

"I smell an outfit repeater," I sing-song to my sister.

Cher wrinkles her nose in disgust. "Say, Ambular."

Amber fake smiles. "Hi!"

"Was that you going through my laundry?" Cher confronts as we keep walking.

"As if!" Amber replies flippantly. "Like, I would really wear something from Judy's."

I gasp, "How dare you! Cher's dress is Prada!"

"Do you prefer fashion victim or Ensembl-y challenged?" Cher retorts.

Amber rolls her eyes and separates from us.

"A clone." Cher crosses her arms.

"With worse style," I add.

"Cher you look much better in that than she does," Tai agrees.

Out of nowhere, large hands encircle my sides and pull me away, catching me completely off guard. Before I have time to react, a familiar, deep, gravelly voice greets me.

"You scared me," I scold.

He matches my tone. "You aren't dancing."

"I just got here. What does that have to do with you scaring me?"

My hands are in his as he swings my arms around. "Come dance."

He gives me a twirl. I can hear the boisterous tones of Tai as she laughs at something Travis said. Cher's smoking a joint.

"Hold on," I tell Elton. He follows me as I make my way to my sister.

I take the joint from her. "Absolutely not, I'm not dealing with you while you're baked. And I'm definitely not explaining to Daddy why you're high when you were supposed to be studying at Dionne's."

She pouts as I hand the joint back to Travis.

Summer joins the small group of us forming with a card between her middle and index finger. "Hey, everyone. Let's play Suck and Blow." She places the card against her lips, sucking in air, and passes it off to Travis. The card is successfully transferred from him to Tai to Elton. But when Elton turns to pass it to me, the card drops. And our lips connect.

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I've been WAITING for this scene. (you guys are REALLY going to like tomorrow's chap wink-wink)

QOTD: are you a giggly movie watcher or a straight-faced movie watcher?

xx ⸺viv

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