Episode 60: Escape the Imperial Egg Tower

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"Yo! Long time no see! In case you forgot, I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog! I live in a world where most people have superpowers called quirks! My buddy Deku and I have some of the strongest quirks out there called One For All! If you've been keepin' up with our adventures then you know me and my pals have been on a ton of crazy adventures already, and this next one's only gonna get bigger! So strap and and grab yourself some chilidogs, 'cause our next big adventure is just getting started!"

The scene opens up during a massive thunderstorm, on a small rocky island; the location of Dr. Eggman's newest base of Operations; the Imperial Egg Tower. 

Music Insert:

Several helicopters can be seen trying to land near the base, but they can't seem to find a safe place to land. At the same time, several turrets surrounding the fortress begin to take aim and fire at the choppers.

The helicopters barely dodge the gunfire, still trying to find a safe place to land.

Pilot: Ngh! Damn it! We're not gonna be able to land this!

We then see Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Aizawa inside the helicopter.

Aizawa: Understood. *to the boys* Alright, you boys know the mission. Get in, get the prisoner, get out.

Deku and Todoroki: Yessir!

Bakugou: 'Nuff talking! Let's fucking get down there already!

Aizawa: The pros will handle the surrounding Badniks, while you three break into the tower to find the prisoner. Remember, this isn't a training exercise. This is a real rescue mission, so coordination and cooperation is key. Is that understood, Bakugou?... Bakugou?

He looks inside the helicopter but the bomber boy is nowhere to be seen.

Aizawa: He jumped, didn't he?

Todoroki: Yeah.

Aizawa: Did he at least take a parachute?

Deku: Ehhh... doesn't seem like it.

Aizawa: One of these days, you kids will bring the death of me. You know the mission, get going!

Deku and Todoroki: Yessir!

The two of them follow after Bakugou who hits the ground and begins making his way toward the entrance, which is heavily guarded by Super Badniks. Bakugou finds himself surrounded by Egg Hammers and Buzz Bombers but remains unphased.

Bakugou: You think I'm afraid of you?! HIT ME WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!!

Todoroki: One of these days we need to get him to see a therapist.

Deku: I've tried.

The two boys land beside their comrade and also begin fending off the Super Badniks, before rushing into the tower. The scene then shifts to a video feed on a monitor from within Dr. Eggman's lab.

Orbot: Um Boss? It would seem we have some intruders.

Cubot: Oh! Is it the pizza delivery guy?

Dr. Eggman: Well, it seems those confounded heroes have dropped in uninvited! Unfortunately for them, they're unaware of this fortress's full capabilities! The battle is over before it's even started! NYAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

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