Episode 64: Only Scars Remain

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"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog! I live in a world where most people have superpowers called quirks! Last time, me, Deku, and Bakugou chased down Eggman to the Mystic Jungle and took out his latest Super Badnik! But just when we thought we were in the clear, Silver showed up and tried to waste me, saying that I was a traitor! Not sure what that was all about Shadow stepped in and sorted things out. The real bad guy is some jerk callin' himself Infinite, and he's pretty strong. What the heck is he? And what does he want?"

The episode now begins on a railroad on the outskirts of the jungle where Eggman's High-Speed Egg Train is on the move heading for his latest base of operations. 

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As the train speeds down the line, Sonic and the others race behind it.

Sonic: Heh! Right on schedule!

Blaze: Eggman's latest weapon is on that train?

Sonic: That's what Rouge said! I say we derail this sucker!

The train honks its horn as it speeds around a bend. Sonic and Blaze keep running after it, drifting around the bend, while Deku uses Black Whip once again to latch onto the train.

Deku: WOAH!!!

He swings across the train, landing on top of the roof, trying his best to remain stable. He uses Blackwhip to latch himself onto the train.

Deku: Hngh! You guys stop the train! I'm gonna find Eggman's weapon!

Sonic: Roger that, buddy!

Deku winds up a punch and smashes a hole in the train car, tearing the metal apart and leaping down into the car below. Meanwhile, Sonic and Blaze speed up, running alongside the Egg Train. The train however retaliates, as it deploys its weapons, firing rockets at Sonic and Blaze.

Blaze: Incoming!

Sonic: Welcoming committee's out!

Sonic smirks, speeding up and kicking the missiles away, dodging the others. Blaze also weaves and dodges, throwing fireballs at the train's turrets, destroying them. The Egg Train continues to fight back, unleashing a horde of Egg Drones as they open fire on the two heroes.

Sonic: Catch me if you can, slow-mos!

Sonic boosts forward, weaving through the gunfire and destroying the drones with rapid homing attacks before landing on top of the train. The Egg Train continues to fight, however, as several turrets take aim at the Hedgehog.

Sonic: Wuh oh!

Blaze keeps running when she sees a small tunnel coming up ahead.

Blaze: Look out!!!

Sonic sees the tunnel getting closer and quickly hops off the train, as it enters a tunnel going through the hills. Blaze joins him at his side.

Sonic: Dangit! We better speed up!

Sonic revs his legs up into a figure 8 and rockets away through the valley, running parallel to the Egg Train. Several Egg Gunners are in the surrounding area, keeping guard while moving trucks when they're alerted of Sonic's presence. The Egg Gunners take aim at Sonic, but he's too fast for them, speeding along the tracks and hills, following the Egg Train. Blaze is also giving chase, following after Sonic.

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