Episode 61: The Prophecy

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"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog! I live in a world where most people have superpowers called quirks! Last time, Eggman had managed to capture me and locked me up as a way to power his fortress and Badniks. Luckily for me, my pal Deku managed to bust me outta there so we could send that Egghead packin'. Hopefully, we won't be hearing from him any time soon. Now I'm back at UA ready for whatever comes next!"

The episode begins within the mind of Class 1B student Silver the Hedgehog. Silver is tossing and turning in his bed as a series of unholy events take place within his mind. He sees the world on fire, a great flood that forms into a vicious monster, and massive machines of destruction.

 He sees the world on fire, a great flood that forms into a vicious monster, and massive machines of destruction

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Every pro hero has been defeated. UA, destroyed. The League of Villains rising up. And at the center of all of this chaos is Sonic... standing within the flames, expressionless. Silver tries to reach out to him, but before he can, he's wiped out by a massive explosion.

Silver: GAH!!!

Silver shoots up from his bed, activating his powers, but realizing he's alone. He looks around the room panting frantically before finally taking a moment to catch his breath.

Silver: *sigh* Another nightmare...

Silver goes into his drawer and takes out a notebook as he jots down some notes. He flips through several pages with different dates and notes on them, all recounting similar nightmares he's had in the past.

Flashback to a month ago, during the Metallix Arc while 1-A was on Nabu Island...

Silver is currently sitting in Midnight's office.

Silver: Thanks again for meeting with me, Miss Midnight.

Midnight: It's no problem at all, Sweetheart. Just for procedure's sake, I need you to give me your name, your class, and a brief synopsis of your quirk.

Silver: My name is Silver the Hedgehog. I'm in Class 1-B. My quirk is psychokinesis; I can lift up people and objects with my mind and I can use psychic energy attacks.

Midnight writes down some notes on a clipboard and returns her attention to Silver.

Midnight: Alright, great. So let's talk. Your request said you've been having trouble sleeping.

Silver: For a few weeks now, I've been having these really bad nightmares. Sometimes they vary but for the most part, it's always the same dream one way or another.

Midnight: I see. Could you generally describe what exactly you see in these nightmares?

Silver: *sigh* Okay... I see the whole world up in flames. Cities are destroyed, people are running... at the same time, there's often a big storm nearby that leads to a flood. I see these... creatures towering over everyone.

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