Episode 62: 1A vs 1B

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"I'm Sonic, the world's fastest hedgehog! I live in a world where most people have superpowers called quirks! Last time, Shadow and Rouge took off after Eggman in his newest fortress. Looks like they ran into some trouble. Meanwhile, my classmates and I are back in school doing some hero training with our rival class, 1-B. Should be interesting to see how much stronger they've gotten!"

The episode picks up directly after Shadow's fight with the Egg Cerberus as he and Rouge are warped to a secret lab within the White Acropolis fortress.

Rouge: Talk about cutting it close. Who the heck was that guy?

Shadow takes a look around, inspecting the area.

Shadow: Why does Eggman's base lead to an odd place like this?

Rouge: This is the vault I'd broken into. I was looking into a rare gem that Eggman had been researching for some time, not that you would care Mr. Grumpy Grump.

Shadow continues investigating the lab when he sees some sort of contraption in the center of the room.

Shadow: What's so special about this gem that the doctor would have an entire fortress built to guard it?

Rouge: Well according to the data I gathered, it's called the Phantom Ruby. Not much is known about it, other than it's said to give off a special energy that makes people see things and act strangely. My guess is Eggman wanted to weaponize it or use it as some sort of power source. But now it's in the hands of... whoever that was...

Shadow: *nods* We need to follow the Doctor.

Rouge: I'll send a transmission back to HQ to keep their eyes out. If we're lucky, Omega should be back from his mission already. And I think it's best we put the word out to our friend in blue.

Shadow: Hmph. Do what you think is best, but he'd better now slow me down.

From there, the scene shifts to Classes 1-A and 1-B at the training ground gamma. The two have been brought together for a joint training battle.

Sonic: Phew! Been a while since we did any kinda training like this!

Kaminari: Yeah, the last time we were was during our final exams.

Kirishima: Been a while since we fought 1-B too. Lookin' forward to a rematch with Tetsutetsu!

Aizawa: Alright everyone, settle down so we can explain the rules of this exercise.

Vlad King: Each class will be broken up into teams of four. The teams from 1-A and 1-B will be battling against each other on the field.

Aizawa: Within the field, there are two cells, one for each team. Your objective is to capture and arrest each member of the opposing team.

Vlad King: Time is limited, so the team with the most prisoners will be the winner!

Aizawa: Oh, and I should mention we have a special guest joining us today.

At the moment, Hitoshi Shinsou walks onto the scene, wearing a voice modulator, and a scarf similar to Aizawa's.

Aizawa: This is Hitoshi Shinsou. He'd like to transfer into the hero course, so we'll be allowing him to join in today's exercise. Treat him as you would any other classmate.

Deku: Shinsou! Hey!

Shinsou looks at Deku and gives him a friendly nod.

Sonic smirks at Kaminari and Kirishima as they huddle together.

What If Sonic was in My Hero Academia - Vol 6Where stories live. Discover now