Chapter 2: The Coffee Shop Meetings

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-3 month later-

Reid was better. He definitely felt better. He could focus on work, he almost read as many books as before and he almost drank as much coffee as before. Not as much sugar though. That was double as much as before. They closed a lot of cases lately, so he was busy thankfully, but the free days were the worst. He knew the team and also him needed a little rest once in a blue moon but he never could do anything with himself. Especially not on Sunday. Especially not when he saw a phone booth. So it became a habit of his to visit the small coffee shop two blocks from his apartment. He could use the walk and the coffee there was amazing. Top nutch. After that coffee he couldn1t bring himself to drink the awful liquid posing as coffee offered at the BAU.

Since it was his free day it was the day to go to the coffee shop. So he picked out his favourite shirt and vest paired with a reggedy converse and left with his book bag slung accross his shoulders. He observed the happy, laughing kids in the park on the way to the place, smelled the air by the bakery and said hello to the russian lady he usually ran into on his walks. He definitely needed to get a new hobby. Throwing away that thought he stepped into the familiar building and went to stand in the line. The place definitely started to get popular since he first discovered it. He finally came to the counter craving the sweet-sweet coffee, when he was faced with a woman with the brightest but most misterious smiles. He was sure he has never seen her before. She must have been a new employee. Spencer - ever the profiler - looked her over. She had long, wavy dark hair, which was kind of messy, a round but sharp face with kind brown eyes and that special smile. She was wearing old, faded jeans, a pair of desert boots and a shirt that said Math is fun, so what? She was definitely new. He would have remembered someone like her.

"Uhm. Hello? Earth to costumer... sir?" he registered - finally - that the girl have been talking to him for probably a long time. He also registered the overly impatient line behind him.

"Hi. Sorry. I must have zoned out a bit" he cleared his throat smiling awkwardly.

"Yeah. Kinda noticed" she smiled and raised an eyebrow. So she must've noticed him observing her. He blushed.

"Sorry. I didn't meant- I wasn't trying to- You are- I mean-" he spluttered. He was stopped by her laugh. It was not a biting laugh or hurtful. It was honest and happy.

"Just order already. I don't want to be the one to clean up whatever the line behind you leaves after they are done taking their revenge for wasting their time. So what's it gonna be? And make it fast if you value your life"

He couldn't help but smiled back at her. It was contagious with her. She just radiazed brightness and something unexplanable. "Just a coffee. With lots of sugar"

She nodded. "Got it, sugar" He didn't know the sugar was directed at him or was it just his order being memorised. Nonetheless it made him smile again. It wasn't that bad of a hobby, coming here after all.

He soo got his order and set down by the window. He picked out one of the many books he brought with himself and started reading it at his usual pace while sipping his overly sweet coffee. He didn't even realise someone trying to talk to him until he heard someone clearing their throat.

"Khm." he looked up and saw the girl again. "Hi" he said.

"Hey. Sorry but you left your change there." she said handing him the coins. "Can you actually do that?" She asked.

"Do what?" "Read that fast. Or you are just coming here to show off or make people jelous?"

"What? No. I don't- I mean I can actually read that fast, yeah."

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