Chapter 6: A Couple of Fellons

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Soon after their second date, Reid got called away for work again, so they could only keep in touch through calls and short massages. They never failed to make each other laugh, though. When the team finally closed the case and they were on the jet, on their way back home, Reid texted Alison. Landing soon. Do you want to come by and pick me up? We could do something after, if you like.

The answer came soon. You bet your butt. You can't kiss a girl like that and leave her hanging for weeks. See you soon, Doc. XOXO.

Reid gave a short laugh at that, while blushing furiously. Morgan picked up on that, so he stepped next to Reid, getting a glimpse on his phone and grinning.
"Oh, so coffee shop girl is coming to pick you up, huh? Does that mean we finally get to meet her?"

"Well, she is just coming by. It's not like she is gonna stay around for long. We are just leaving. Together" mumbled Reid, hoping to not make a big deal out of this, thinking about how Alison might react.

"Come on now, Pretty Boy. Don't be a tease." Said Morgan bumping their shoulders together. "Besides, you kissed her, according to her text, so she is probably gonna be around. It's inevitable, us meeting her. Just let it happen" he said chuckling a little, going back to sit down next to JJ.
JJ just turned around to look at him and gave him an encouraging smile. So, this was happening. Be warned, the team is expecting to meet you. He texted Alison quickly. I think they are the ones, who should be warned about meeting me ;) was her only reply, so Reid relaxed a little.

They landed in twenty minutes or so after that, so the team left the jet and went to the BAU's building. Everyone was relieved to see the bullpen, and Garcia waiting for them with a huge smile of hers. "Everyone of my lovely profilers is in one piece, I hope" she said while checking them over.

"Relax, baby girl. Everybody is fine." Morgan said, hugging her shoulder from the side.

"Besides, you should be focusing on more important things. Apparently, we are about to meet the lovely Alison" said Rossi smiling up at Reid, who was trying to leave in a hurry and hopefully without them noticing. This was short lived, as after Rossi's comment everyone faced the young genius expectantly. "Alright, fine. I call her to come in. But- try not to be- just go easy on her" Reid gave in, while dialling Alison's number. She picked up after the second ring. "Hey there, Spencer. I am already here in the parking lot. Where are you?"

"Uhm, we are inside. Could you come up, so, uhm, you can meet everybody?" asked Reid in a small voice, trying to have a private conversation as much as the team of profilers observing him let him.

"Uhm, yeah sure. Give me a sec." she said while getting out of the car. "What floor?"

"Just come in, I'll come get you" answered Reid and they hung up. So, Reid went downstairs and he arrived just as she stepped in. "Hey you" she greeted him and without hesitation, she came up to him and wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Hey" mumbled Reid, returning the hug after a second. "Are you ready to meet the team? Because if you don't feel like it we could just leave"

"Hey, did you take me for a coward?" asked Alison while loosening their hug so she could look Reid in the eye.


"Then let's go and meet them." She said, so they ended their embrace and went to the elevator. Riding up, she fidgeted a little with the end of her shirt and bit her bottom lip. A nervous habit of hers, which Reid observed. "So, do they all have a gun?" she asked finally.

Reid gave out a surprised little laugh at that. "Yes, but you don't have to worry. They won't use it on you"

"Well, at least that's comforting" she said, still fidgeting. Reid looked her over and with no hesitation, he took her hand, which was gripping her shirt, and held in his. She looked up at him, giving him a small smile and gave his hand a small squeeze. They stepped out of the lift and walked into the bullpen, holding hands.

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