Roosters and Reconciliation

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July 29th Year 200 AR

Magdalene "The Lamb"

The Temple.

It was bright and early. The sun was just barely poking through the tops of the trees, and bathing the sky in a vibrant orange hue. While her followers were all still asleep, Magdalene was already preparing for another search for Leshy, and now that she knew what to expect, she could face the danger head on.

But just as she was about to leave, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She turned around to see it was Gerno.

"Ugh- Gerno, what are you doing up so early?" Magdalene asked.

"Listen...leader, I know I may be stepping out of line here, but I have been the only member of the clergy to not have gone on a crusade with you. And I wish to fight by your side today."

Magdalene was about to deny Gerno's request, but then she figured it wouldn't be all that bad. Magdalene knew what to deal with after all. Besides, her followers in demon form were typically impervious to damage.

"...Very well then Gerno, but the next time you know you're stepping out of line; don't step out of line. Understood?"

Gerno nodded. "I understand, my leader."


Magdalene then led Gerno to the demon summoning circle and lifted her hands into the air, attempting to draw power from the Underworld and infuse it with Gerno.

...But nothing happened. The black haze that would usually surround a follower's eyes never showed up for Gerno's, nor did the crimson fire blaze upon the circle.

"..Odd..." Remarked Magdalene, tapping her hoof on the ground confusedly. She then looked up at Gerno. "Feel any different?" She asked him.

The rooster shook his head and shrugged. "I don't. Something must be wrong wherever the demons come from."

Magdalene groaned, pinching the bridge of her snout. Gerno groaned as well and crossed his wings. "Suppose this means I'll be staying behind."

Magdalene shook her head. "If you REALLY wish to come along, you can come along. You once confessed to me that you killed somebeast with a frying pan."

Gerno looked away and nodded awkwardly at that.

"My point being, you can clearly hold your own in a fight. Besides, we shouldn't face all that many enemies in our journey...Oh, but please. If we encounter Chemach, run and hide. Understood?"

Gerno was about to open his beak to say something, but he shut it and just nodded. "Of course, my leader."

Magdalene gave Gerno a warm smile and nod. "Very well then. Fetch a frying pan and whatever you may need, then meet me at the entrance."

Backwoods of Darkwood

It was now midday, and so far, Magdalene and Gerno hadn't managed to find anything but a trail of chopped up shrubbery that seemed to go on forever. They had followed it in the hopes that it would eventually lead to Chemach or at least her temple, but all they had to show for it were sweaty clothes.

Magdalene was sitting down a rock and internally cursing herself for letting one of her followers accompany her in a wild goose chase in the burning heat of summer. If there was one silver lining to this whole thing, it was that they hadn't been attacked the whole time. But even that still felt wrong to Magdalene...She knew that they wouldn't have many fights, but to have none at all...

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