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August 2 Year 200 AR

Magdalene "The Lamb"

The Cult Of The Lamb

"FUCKING TWAT! MOTHERFUCKING FEATHERED FUCK! I'LL 'AVE 'ER GUTS FOR GAR'ERS YOU 'EAR ME?! YOU 'EAR ME?!" Narinder shouted from the private bathroom of the temple while Magdalene sat on the bed in the adjoined bedroom she and Narinder shared. She had her face buried in her hands, shaking her head dejectedly. Every time. Every single time she thought to let her guard down just a bit, something went horribly wrong. She had decided to actually sleep for once last night, and now Shamura had been kidnapped. Likely to suffer the same fate as Leshy.

The sounds of glass breaking echoed from the bathroom, and then Narinder stepped out, his fist slashed and bleeding significantly less than a normal beast should. "I can't FUCKING do this any more Magdalene! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! I WAS SO CLOSE TO FIXING THINGS WITH THEM!"

Magdalene stood up and placed her hands on Narinder's shoulders. "Narinder, please just calm down. I'm pissed off too, but we have to stay as calm as we can! We won't get anywhere just shouting at things."

Narinder had begun crying at this point. He practically fell into Magdalene's arms, clinging to her like a lost child. She responded by hugging him and petting him simultaneously. "I don't know what to do anymore, Magdalene. Whenever I try to fix things with them, some bullshit like this happens. If it isn't Heket beating me to shite whenever I come around her...o-or Kallamar inking himself every time I so much as look in his bloody direction it's this."

"I'll get them back, Narinder. Don't worry. I'll make sure Chemach pays for her crimes...I'm going to go out and hunt for her, and I'm not going to come back until she's-"

"I'm coming with you."

"Wh-What? Narinder-"

"I'm coming with you."

"Narinder the last time I took a-"

" I'm coming. With you. " The sorrow and anger in Narinder's voice hung so heavy it threatened to break his lower jaw from the sheer weight of it.

Magdalene sighed and relented. It did involve his siblings, after all. "Very well then...I'm going to have to make some prepare everybeast for our trip..."

Magdalene held Narinder in her arms for a few moments longer until he had calmed down, then she left to go prepare everybeast for the coming days.


Once again, Magdalene had called her followers to an emergency meeting, and was back on the stage in front of them all.

"Greetings once again everybeast, I'm afraid I have more bad news...Shamura has been kidnapped in the night-"

Before Magdalene could even finish speaking, the loudest rabble she had ever heard fell over the crowd of followers, even the clergy members joined in on it.

"Chemach knows where we are?!" A rabbit shouted

"What are we going to do?! What are we going to doooo?!" A dog added on.

"SILENCE!" Magdalene nearly literally roared out, and the crowd immediately quieted down.

"...Now then. Chemach's menace will no longer be tolerated. I have let her run rampant for FAR too long, and it is time to end this madness. Me and Narinder will go on a crusade and not return until we have killed Chemach. Now, before you all begin to panic, I will have my clergy enforce some new temporary rules. Until further notice, you will all spend most of your time inside of the temple, time outside of it is to be heavily monitored by one of the clergy to assure that nothing goes awry. Before we leave, my clergy and I will move all of our food inside, as well as bring in some sleeping bags, and we will also be applying a circle of salt around the temple in the hopes of dissuading any potential future attacks. While the clergy will do their best to watch over you all, I want you all to be looking out for each other as well, we must not allow any more of our fellows to fall into Chemach's hands."

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