Darkwood Dealing

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Magdalene stood in the middle of a black void. Well, 'standing' may have been a bit of a stretch, there wasn't really anything underneath her.

It was cold, and she was alone. Her thoughts immediately began to drift, back to the days of her teenhood. Entire days spent running and hiding in fear, desperately clutching clumps of leaves and grass to herself in order to staunch the bleeding of fresh wounds.

And soon after those thoughts began to intrude, Magdalene saw that she wasn't so lonely anymore.

Corpses, hundreds of them. All of them sheep. All of them were floating around her, blood dripped from them all and stayed stagnant in the air.

Magdalene began to cry, covering her face in an attempt to block out the horrid sight that lay in front of and all around her. But it was no use, she could not pry her eyes away from it all. She was all but compelled to look upon the sight...

After a while of staring at the grisly scene in front of her, three giant, glowing, red eyes opened in front of her. The eyes of The One Who Waits.

"You are an absolute failure of a vessel, and as a leader. I would've never let myself sink to the lowly state you've lowered you and your following into. I should've let your worthless soul drift into hell where it belonged. Along with the rest of your worthless kind."

Magdalene began to weep harder upon hearing those words, and the tears would only increase as the corpses all turned their heads towards Magdalene and began to speak.

" Your. Fault. Your. Fault. Your. Fault." They all began to chant at her in unison. They chanted in one, monotonous choir, like water droplets constantly dripping into a bucket. Never getting louder, yet never getting softer as well.

The debilitating rhythm of the chanting began to wear Magdalene down. All she could focus on were the chants, and the fact that this WAS all her fault. If Magdalene had never been born, she would've never been selected to be Narinder's vessel. The sheep genocide would never have happened. Magdalene would be able to live a normal life. Magdalene-

"Magdalene! Wake up for fucks sake!"

August 3, Year 200AR

Magdalene "The Lamb"

Backwoods of Darkwood

Magdalene awoke with a startled yell, nearly shoving away Narinder as she jolted up from her sleeping bag. Narinder placed his hands on Magdalene's shoulders hard enough to get her to calm down but light enough to not hurt her.

Magdalene panted lightly before speaking. "A-Ah. Narinder. I-"

"You had another nightmare?" Narinder interrupted, and Magdalene nodded sheepishly (Pun not intended).

Narinder sighed and gave Magdalene a few headpats. "There has to be some way to stop this shite...it happens every time you try and sleep."

"It's been happening for years, Narinder."

"Me standing in a white void pissing my knickers in rage also happened for years but that didn't make it any better, now did it?"

Magdalene made a noise of exasperation. There were times when Narinder's bluntness annoyed her somewhat, but she tried to keep her patience with him. It was something he had minimal control over.

"Well...even still, I've made it this far in my life while dealing with it-"

Narinder interrupted her again, causing Magdalene to throw her hands up in annoyance. "I made it longer than your p- longer than you were alive, but that doesn't make things any better."

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