First day without my other eye // Chapter 1

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A toothy grin met his face with theirs. A gold tooth with sharp, sharp teeth and a scar just underneath their eye.

"Mornin'." She spoke with an accent.

The first thing he felt was the excruciating pain in his body, especially his eye, and the rattle/sound of a moving vehicle that they were in.

The rugged vehicle bounced, and he groaned in agony at the sudden pain in his eye. He realized he was unbounded on a dirty floor in the back of a truck or maybe even a van with two people towering over him.

"Yer gonna wish you were asleep for this one." She spoke and then sucked in a breath through her teeth. All he could hear was the ripping noise of something, and the only thing that came out of him was a scream, echoing through the whole chamber and back into his ears before he blacked out.


Medkit's eye gently opened. His gaze met the popcorned ceiling; the sides of his vision were blurred but coming into reality again. He first noticed the lack of something, but he was too dizzy to recognize it yet. When he woke up properly, he was met with a red-horned demon sitting beside the bed. He was quietly talking to a blue-horned demon and a tall, darker demon with the same horns as the blue one. Had so many people been watching him sleep? Was he supposed to know who they were?

His hand lifted to pat around his eye socket, and his heart dropped when he felt the bandages around it. It's when reality hit him, he was quick to shoot up a bit sharply luring to the side and dumping his stomach contents onto the bed uninvitingly but he wasn't hasty to feel empathy for it in the moment. The red demon was the first to give him a cup of water, which he eagerly gulped down, not realizing how thirsty he had been. He fell into a coughing fit and attempted to find his breath through it.

"Woah! Easy," a demon spoke, but he couldn't tell which one.

"Careful kid." another spoke, a much more hoarse voice.

He found himself again and regulated on the hand that slowly rubbed his back. His gaze fell to the three demons whose faces he could finally see. The red and blue one looked much younger than the Grey one did.

"Give him room," the Grey one spoke.

"Fingers?" The Grey one said, but the words blurred out in his head, and he stared dully at the hand that was raised.

"Can you see how many fingers I'm holding up?" The Grey one repeated.

Medkit slowly blinked at this, examining the number of fingers he held up.

"Three," Medkit said shortly, his voice sounding just as horrible as he felt.

"Do you know where or who you are?" The Grey one spoke.

"Medkit." Medkit hesitated on his words; he didn't know who these people were or where they found him.

He recalled his most recent memory, a gruesome squelching noise and his screams; everything was dark until shots rang through the room. He was a scientist for Blackrock. His lab partner and lover was Subspace, who had become a self-absorbed asshole. Medkit felt around for his clothes, realizing he had been changed.

"I'm not sure." Medkit said quietly, lying through his teeth.

The Grey one's expression changed; he couldn't see what. Concern? Disappointment? Had Blackrock been looking for him since his escape? Did he manage to escape? Why hadn't he remembered running? He watched the blue-horned demon walk back into the room with a new cup of water and a wet cloth to clean up Medkit's mess.

When Medkit touched the cup of fresh sink water, he drank it in a few gulps; the water left the taste of chlorine on his tongue. He raised an eyebrow and glanced into the glass of water. So that confirmed he wasn't in Blackrock anymore. Blackrock didn't usually have chlorine in their water.

The demons had let him take a couple of sips before the red one spoke up.

"I'm Sword." Sword hummed, a pleasant smile on his face.

"You're in my room, and this we're in the Lost Temple," Sword explained.

It made much more sense now, "How did you find me?" Medkit glanced down at the half-empty glass.

"You were laying with the rats. I was taking out the garbage when I spotted you. I thought you were dead. So I called the first person I knew." Sword smiled warmly; it made Medkit look over at the Grey demon.

"This is Zuka and Rocket," Sword introduced them slowly. Zuka, the Grey one, just turned his head a little, and Rocket, the blue one, raised his hand to wave at him.

"Do you remember what happened?" Sword tilted his head to the side.

Yes. War, Blackrock, Death, soldiers, my partner, escape.

"No." Medkit shook his head, averting his gaze.

He could hear a disappointed huff of air come from Zuka as he uncrossed his arms and walked out of the room, which relieved Medkit the most.

"It's okay; you're safe now. Zuka patched up your erm.." He awkwardly gestured to his left eye, trying to give a comforting look, but it felt far from it.

"...Injury and took you in. You've been resting here for a few days."

Had he been asleep for more than a few days? It made sense why his pain didn't seem as horrible since he was last awake.

"This is my house. You can stay here as long as you want. Uhm... Yeah, I do training most of my days, I don't know if you have a family you can erm... Call, but we have phones." Sword nodded.

Should he warn Sword? Was he putting his 'saviour' at risk by being here?

"Thanks." He said dryly, resting his head fully back down on the pillow now, his eyes and mind starting to space out again.

"Medkit?" He heard the faint voice say through a haze before Medkit shut his eyes again.

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