What Happened? // Chapters 2

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The next time Medkit woke up, it was nighttime. Instead of the overwhelming noise of people speaking, there were simply crickets. Compared to earlier in the day, he felt better than he had. His head still pounded but only faintly. He sat himself up with an audible groan and glanced to the side; there were pills and a note. He double-checked around the room once more and looked over to the door, which was slightly cracked open.

Medkit took the note and opened it. In messy handwriting and black ink, read

' Pain killers, call for help if you need anything!'

Had they not thought to send him to the hospital? Nursing him as if he were a kitten they found on the side of the street.

Medkit cautiously stepped out of bed, and when he had put his leg on the ground, he recognized the pins and needle feeling when he put pressure on it. One easy movement at a time. His hand went to the wall to hold himself steady. He could hear his heartbeat in his brain and felt nauseous again.

He held his breath and paused, staring helplessly at the ground and focused on something else.

Once he could regulate himself, he examined his surroundings; dark, but not as dark as it could have been, thanks to the moonlight shining through the small window in the upper part of the wall. There was the faint sound of a television coming from the main room. He had his anxieties about leaving the room, but if they wanted to finish the job, they would have done it already.

Medkit stumbled over to the cracked open door. He could not check how horrible he looked but doubted anyone would care. The sudden change in lighting stung his eye, and he squinted, which made the muscles on his left sting in excruciating pain. How bad had Subspace fucked him up? Going back to that, what happened to Subspace? The thought of Subspace dying alone filled him with sadness. If Subspace were to die on Medkit's terms, he would've embraced his partner tightly while he bled out. If medkit could have relieved his pain..

Medkit realized he had been standing in that hall longer than necessary.

When Medkit made it to what would be considered a living room, eyes turned to him.

Sword turned away from the TV and looked at the Stranger in the doorway.

"Medkit, Hey!" Sword said gently, subtly unwrapping his arm that was around Rocket.

Medkit suddenly felt as if he was intruding on something.

"We're just watching a movie. Do you need anything? You can watch with us," Sword chirped.

Rocket shifted slightly to give more space on the couch, digging more into Sword's side than he already was.

Medkit found a place on the opposite end of the couch, feeling increasingly awkward between him and the other two. Zuka was no longer here either; it was just three of them.

Medkit wasn't that into the movie, having joined near the end. His gaze shifted around the room, looking over the pictures on the walls. Many were of Sword, but he expected no less. Sword with his arm around a green demon and two others in the background, another with Sword and Rocket together. The last portrait on the wall was a Sword purchased from a home appliance store. A simple bird with the price tag still on the top right corner. He rolled his eyes internally and glanced over at the two beside him. Rocket was sleeping peacefully, and Sword, who looked tired, was still watching the screen.

The movie ended, and when the credits rolled on screen, he heard rustling; he turned his head back to Sword, who was now carefully sitting up to avoid disturbing Rocket. Sword lowered the blue demon's head down to the couch armrest without his horns getting in the way and piercing the cushions. Sword turned his head and noticed Medkit staring at him.

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