Its not a cult!! // Chapter 4

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Rocket shut the door behind him and kept one hand on the door, trying to see if he could listen to anything before subtly pulling away.

"I wasn't aware that when Sword was talking about his family, he meant someone like them," Medkit said to Rocket in a hushed tone.

"Oh yeah, Sword has many family members.. Did he tell you that his mentor was Venomshank."

"I don't know who that is."


Rocket looked for something to shift the direction of their conversation.

"Well, hey, there's Dom right over there!" Rocket chirped, pointing at the masked demon who spoke with a demon with tied-up glittering hair.

Rocket hopped along, and Medkit followed in pursuit.

"Dom, hey!" Rocket waved his hand to the demon, and his attention turned to the two demons approaching him. Medkit wondered if talking to and knowing 'celebrities' was a regular thing for Rocket and Sword.

"Rocket." Dom nodded to the shorter demon and glanced at Medkit, briefly acknowledging his being.

"If this is about the show," Dom said with expectance in his tone. He placed a hand on his hip and glanced off to the side.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Rocket frowned.

Medkit didn't like meddling in other people's business, so it seemed ridiculous for Rocket to ask something like that, especially with their relationship with Dom. Maybe that was just him. He didn't know him at all; It was awkward for him to be here.

"No. This is something Valk and I have to resolve with one another." Dom paused. Medkit assumed it was from guilt.

"I'm waiting till he's ready to talk to me again. Our conversations have been nothing but arguments recently." Dom moved his gaze away from the shorter blue demon.

"Immaturity is its leading cause. Especially up on stage. I'm sorry you had to witness that."

Dom played with the side of his hood, tugging it slightly so it went more over his head than it already did.

"No, it's no problem! Sword wanted to check on you guys to ensure everything was okay." Rocket smiled warmly at him.

"Oh? Is Sword here?" Dom glanced beyond Medkit's shoulders.

"He's talking to Valk." Medkit chimed in.

"I see." Dom crossed his arms, and his wing stretched out a bit.

Almost as if on queue, Sword had exited Valk's room with Valk on his side. The yellow-horned demon looked much happier than he had been. Tension spread through the room when Valk and Dom met each other's gaze.

Valk's expression softened, and he let out a short sigh.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you this morning, Dom." He spoke nervously, a voice Medkit wouldn't have expected from someone like him.

Dom nodded and took a second to think about his words. "You know I don't think you're inferior. You are my brother, Valk."

Valk could swear he had tears in his eyes, even though they had already been red and puffy from previously crying.

Dom opened his arms to hug the shorter demon, and Valk tackled him, but it didn't seem to move, nor did Dom seem to mind. The taller purple demon wrapped his arm around his brother and looked back up to Medkit, and others with what he assumed would have been a thank you.

"Valk, Dom, it was good to see you again; I know the Phestival tomorrow will be just as amazing!" Sword chirped, stepping away from Rocket very swiftly.

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