He asks you on a date

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An: sorry I've been busy. I've been having family issues and working long hours so that's crazy. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

You were sitting in your room enjoying the summer heat.. Not. "Heat heat go away.." You sang to yourself. You hadn't seen Robin in weeks. You sighed flopping on your bed.
"Bored huh?"
You suddenly jumped up hearing the oh so familiar voice. There Robin sat in your open window smirking playfully.
You smiled and sat up on your bed. "That obvious.. So how did you know where I lived?" You said not that surprised.
Robin laughed slowly approaching a chair in the room. "..I'm good with technology. I may have looked you up." He looked embarrassed saying it, but you just smiled easing his mind. "I'm not surprised you look like a tech nerd." You said teasingly. He grinned and stood up coming and sitting next to you. "Want to go to the faire with me this weekend?" He blurted out.
"Sure sounds good." You said smiling and gently pushing him to the window. "Now leave so I can procrastinate and stress about what I'm going to wear."
He smiled jumping out the window.

You had drug yourself out of bed early morning. Correction, your parents had drug you out of bed with the annoying sound of a vacuum. You decided to take a walk to the park to wake yourself and escape the feverish cleaning of your mother. The ginger boy crossed your mind but was soon replaced by the actual sight of him sitting on a swing. You laughed and sat next to him. "Please tell me you aren't stalking me Wally?" You said poking him. He smiled. "I was here first you're the one stalking me." He said poking back. You smiled and pushed off starting to swing. "What brings you here?" You say watching the sky. You saw him push off too out of the corner of your eye. "Maybe I was following you and I'm just fast at running and beat you here." He said in what you believed to be a mock serious tone. You laughed and looked at him. "I guess I will humor you by asking why you would do that." He pretended to think a while slowing his swing and stopping yours standing in front of you. "To ask you on a date to the faire." He said smugly. You decided to toy with him even though you knew you were fangirling on the inside. "And if I refuse?" He stood up straight letting go of the swing putting his hands in his pocket. "You won't. I'll pick you up here Saturday at 6." With that he smirked walking away. You laughed and watched him go.

You sat on the beach watching the waves with your dog. The sun felt great and you had decided to walk along the break of the waves. You suddenly spotted a turtle struggling to free itself from a plastic soda holder. Bending down you tried freeing the poor creature when you saw someone bend down to help. You looked up seeing Kaldur you smiled. "Hi it's nice to see you again. Do you buy any chance have a pocket knife to cut these things free?" You say noticing your tugging was doing nothing. He nodded and fished out a small pocket knife cutting the turtle free. "You like animals?" He said smiling putting the knife away. You blush nodding. "Ya, sometimes they can be better company than humans." Just then your dog bounds up to you tackling Kaldur who laughed. You joined in his laughter and shook your head. "Then again.." You said jokingly. Kaldur sat up petting your dog. "Would you like to go to the aquarium with me?" He said politely. You smile and nod your blush deepening.

You weren't a damsel in distress. You could take down anyone. These things you muttered to yourself as you kissed the floor of the bank. Three masked men were arguing over something, you didn't care what. You wished that superboy was here just a little.
As you laid there you felt someone tug you to your feet. How did those karate kid moves go? You turned to the guy holding you seeing the beautiful jerk superboy. "Perfect timing I needed backup." You said smirking. He looked at you with a hint of a smile. You both looked at the masked criminals who were gathering. Superboy turned to you and rudely shoved you out the door. You decided after a while not to barge right back in and chose to watch through the window. Superboy finished knocking them out and grabbed you dragging you away from the scene. "Must you always be near a crime scene?" He muttered. You smiled smugly and looked at him. "I'm drawn to them. Maybe I'm meant to be a hero." Superboy let out a laugh. "You wouldn't last. You aren't trained." You pouted peeved. "Fine teach me if you think you are trained enough." Superboy stopped his hands balling to fists. "Fine this weekend meet me here at 2." He said before turning and walking away. You growled and walked home equally upset.
(Not a date date but lol)

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