When you are in the hospital

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You had woke up with this strange gut wrenching feeling in your stomach something felt very wrong. You took some medicine and decided to still go to school. You hated hospitals and vowed to never go unless you had been shot or mauled by a bear. School was going along fine that is until Stevie Morton triggered your upchuck reflex.
In one second you were spewing out curse words at Stevie and in the next spewing out something else. Then the lights went out in your head.
The only word you could hear was ambulance. What kind of sad sack needs an ambulance?

"Y/N wake up." You heard Robin whisper from next to you. Your eyes shot open and you were staring into white walls and ceiling. Robin didn't look pleased, his happy demeanor wasn't there.
"How long do I have to live doc?" You said half joking. You couldn't die from a stomach bug could you?
"You have appendicitis. You need to go into surgery. I just wanted to see you again before you die on the table." He smirked taking your hand and squeezing it. You smiled as he kissed your cheek waiting for a doctor to whisk you away.
"You are being so dramatic." You huffed staring at the ceiling.
(Busy day wanted to get back in the game though so I just wanted to put this up quick)

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